League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

lol username: Arguro
ideal role: AP Carry Mid
secondary role: Bruiser / AP Carry Top
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: Nope
lol username: qquetzalcoatl
ideal role: mage
secondary role: ranged ad
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: team gene will conquer
lol username: IamKinneas
ideal role: Jungler/ Solo Top
secondary role: AP Carry
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: Synre, TTS, gene, alex, tyler, ily guys
lol username: RODAN H
ideal role: idc
secondary role: idc
summoner level: 11 YEA
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: good people
lol username: HiDef45
ideal role: ap solo top
secondary role: supports
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: not danman fuck his ass

if you are reading this danman you will be crushed
lol username: theamericandream
ideal role: what my team needs
secondary role: what my team needs
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: good players
lol username: atlas304
ideal role: lane dps
secondary role: tank
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: meh
lol username: pookar
ideal role: tanky deeps
secondary role: anything else
summoner level: 25
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: not particularly! have not played with too many smogoners to have anyone partial
blah blah id play but probably only with the rest of.... team gene

lol username: Synre
ideal role: Jungler / Support
secondary role: Mid / Top solo types yea!
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: bad players

and by that i mean we could easily just field half the game with some combination of gene/TTS/alex/kinneas/tyler/mre. also a couple of tts' wow friends if we're allowed to let them play.
LoL username: PKring
Ideal Role: Tanky Support
secondary role: Bruiser/ AP carry
summoner level: 11
anyone in particular I want to be paired with: not really, smogon players would be cool
LoL username: masterful7086
Ideal Role: Tanky DPS
Secondary: Ranged AD
Summoner Level: 16
pairing: idc whatsoever. someone good would be nice. someone who pays attention to the minimap would be nicer
LoL username: vonFiedler
Ideal Role: Ranged AD / Primary AP / Secondary AP
Secondary: Support
Summoner Level 30
Pairing: Don't care, guess I have a lot of options. I used to be primary support but all the ones I liked got nerfed in that regard.
It's been a bit since I looked at this thread last, but I'm definitely down for a tourny.

lol username: danmantincan
ideal role: Tank/Mage
secondary role: Bruiser/AD Carry
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: Myself, not masterful
It's been a bit since I looked at this thread last, but I'm definitely down for a tourny.

lol username: danmantincan
ideal role: Tank/Mage
secondary role: Bruiser/AD Carry
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: Myself

Tank and mage kinda sound like two roles BRO, HUH!
If there are enough people to have an under level 30 match I'd be interested. I've been saving up IP and so don't think I have enough Champs to play with people over level 30.

Username: Wikey
Ideal Role: Tank/Jungler
Secondary Role: Bruiser/Mage
Summoner Level: 17
Paired With: People at about my summoner level against people about my level.
lol username: renosaur
ideal role: bruiser/offtank
secondary role: AD carry
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: anyone who wards

my timezone is in the AUS EST if that's any trouble
here is the spreadsheet i drew up, i also drafted a team so if there are any disagreements just bring them up on irc or something

i have retooled all instances of 'tank' and 'offtank' and 'tanky dps' to the catchall term of bruiser

i have tried to allocate roles in terms of team and laning composition but obviously you guys can work that out amongst yourselves. like if you want to run the ad carry top, or run double ad carry, or have the bruiser mid and someone like swain top, or even the two tank bot composition with corki/caitlyn etc at mid that's fine, just edit it for what you'd like the most
lol username: JebusMcAzn
ideal role: tank/jungler although i also play a very strong AP carry and AD carry so basically every role but support is my weakest
secondary role: AP/AD carry - still, i wouldn't say they're "worse" than my jungling
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired up with: strong carries or a good support
lol username: Karrious
ideal role: AP carry
secondary role: Top lane
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: I don't care.