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Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 58 Atk / 200 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Standard CB moveset

This is the spread I use in ubers. With Careful and those EVs, Tyranitar can survive a CHOICE SPECS AURA SPHERE from a Timid Mewtwo. It loses a lot of attack power, but...

1) TTar is naturally slow. Putting it in max speed won't help it against anything besides no speed base 90 ubers and Metagross. Without speed EVs it outspeeds Blissey, and that's really all TTar needs to outspeed in ubers Scarfless. Also allows it to work decently in Trick Room
2) It OHKOs/2HKOs everything it needs with just those Atk EVs. The only exceptions are some forms of Arceus and Tangrowth
3) These EVs also let it absorb Calm Minded Grass Knot from Modest Latios with relative ease
4) Blissey's Thunder is 10HKO on this lol
Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 58 Atk / 200 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Standard CB moveset

This is the spread I use in ubers. With Careful and those EVs, Tyranitar can survive a CHOICE SPECS AURA SPHERE from a Timid Mewtwo. It loses a lot of attack power, but...

1) TTar is naturally slow. Putting it in max speed won't help it against anything besides no speed base 90 ubers and Metagross. Without speed EVs it outspeeds Blissey, and that's really all TTar needs to outspeed in ubers Scarfless. Also allows it to work decently in Trick Room
2) It OHKOs/2HKOs everything it needs with just those Atk EVs. The only exceptions are some forms of Arceus and Tangrowth
3) These EVs also let it absorb Calm Minded Grass Knot from Modest Latios with relative ease
4) Blissey's Thunder is 10HKO on this lol
JJibbles and bits, you've got two badges, you can make a new thread without getting in trouble xD

Yeah, the set is pretty good, are you sure that he can't withstand a blissey thunder? what are the blisseys IVS? and what self respecting blissey would switch into a Ttar. also youve got a SS blowing, so I think thunders accuracy is reduced.
JJibbles and bits, you've got two badges, you can make a new thread without getting in trouble xD

Yeah, the set is pretty good, are you sure that he can't withstand a blissey thunder? what are the blisseys IVS? and what self respecting blissey would switch into a Ttar. also youve got a SS blowing, so I think thunders accuracy is reduced.
I'm playing safe here. If MoP (Aeroblacktyl, whatever) got banned, I'm nowhere near safe.

To be more clear
"Ten Hit KO"
I'm playing safe here. If MoP (Aeroblacktyl, whatever) got banned, I'm nowhere near safe.

To be more clear
"Ten Hit KO"
sorry, didn't relies it was 10 KO. Yeah, T-tar might make a decent special wall in ubers, fucking over kyogres thuder, but can he take exseccive aura shperes from mewtwo, or only one? and in the original post were it says "standard CBtar" I think since it has a -spd nature, pursuit wouldn't work (unless under Trickroom.
First off, I'd like to say hi, though I should have done that in another forum.

As for my pitch. I loved Ursaring even in GSC, along with some others, so I occasionally scan their movelists for random moves. As such...

Ability: Quick Feet(Guts would be pretty useless)
EVs: XXX Spd, 252 Sp. Atk, XXX HP(An opinion on allocation is needed)
Nature: Modest (-Atk, +Sp. Atk)
- Fake Tears
- Hyper Beam
- Hidden Power/Focus Blast
- ??? (I could use a little help, seeing as it doesn't have quite the best moveset)

But the rationale behind this, besides the shock factor of an Ursaring not using its best stat, is that Fake Tears+Hyper Beam is guaranteed to one-shot a non-special wall, especially a Weezing or Skarmory deceived into thinking it's a physical wall. I'd love for someone to check these.

Fake Tears+Hyper Beam against a 252 HP, 252 Def Weezing: 100% Damage 100% of the time.

To take one and survive, a Weezing would need 238 Sp. Def, which it can only attain via 252 in Sp. Def.

Fake Tears+Hyper Beam against a 252 HP, 252 Def Skarmory: 75-88%, which is quite nice, despite being resisted. Fake-Tears+Focus Blast does much more, though, with 80-94% suffered.

As for the counters... Ghost types will screw with it, any sort of fast sweeper will come in, though risk a hit, and explode it, and special walls follow their namesake, albeit first having to risk it being physical and being demolished on the switch.

In fact, the only way I can see this coming in is on a switch, as that gives it time to set up with Fake Tears. It seems so underrated, as it hits 100% of the time, unlike Screech, which can be blocked.

Sort of like a glass cannon.
You bring up WoW several times, which is of course important, but that begs the question...

Why not the obvious? Slap Substitute on the set, and make it a dedicated Sub-Puncher. Substitute blocks WoW, Focus Punch gains a massive 30% bonus from Iron Fist and the classic Sub/Punch combo works like a charm. Slapping 30% more damage on a 150 BP attack (225 with Stab) and Agility to out-run everyone so you can put down Subs when you need too seems like a good idea.

It also blocks hypnosis from Bronzong.

As you stated before, rock and fighting has no resist. So you get complete coverage with Stone Edge, although I'd personally go with one of the other punching attacks due to Stone Edge's accuracy screwing me over far too often.

Actually, Claydol resists all the common "sweeper" moves: Stone Edge, Earthquake, and Close Combat. So, unless Claydol shows up, yes, rock and fight have no resists.

Oh yeah, Tcroak resists rock and fight too :D
Actually, a SubPuncher seems pretty useful. Too bad with Sub / Agility / Focus Punch, you're left with either Rock Slide or Elementpunches (if you fear Claydol / Nidoking / Nidoqueen so bad, use freaking Ice Punch >_>).
Actually, Claydol resists all the common "sweeper" moves: Stone Edge, Earthquake, and Close Combat. So, unless Claydol shows up, yes, rock and fight have no resists.

Oh yeah, Tcroak resists rock and fight too :D
And also Nidoking/queen, Medicham and Gallade. Might be one or two more I'm forgetting.

EDIT: Pretty much what Sekku already said above.
I like Substitute Empoleon as a wall! I invented it! I feel cool.
Empoloen (♂) @ Leftovers **Blue Orchid
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 248 HP/118 SAtk/144 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Substitute
- Roar/Yawn/Grass Knot
- Hydro Pump

Everyone switches on Empoleon to a Grounder, so why not bolck the hit and kill them? Hydro Pump for STAB, Ice Beam for Grounders that are more weak to it as well as for mediocre type coverage. Either Phaze or another offensive move for spot 4. I run Grass Knot since I like my walls to kill stuff. Flash Cannon's kinda lame though.
I like Substitute Empoleon as a wall! I invented it! I feel cool.
Empoloen (♂) @ Leftovers **Blue Orchid
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 248 HP/118 SAtk/144 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Substitute
- Roar/Yawn/Grass Knot
- Hydro Pump

Everyone switches on Empoleon to a Grounder, so why not bolck the hit and kill them? Hydro Pump for STAB, Ice Beam for Grounders that are more weak to it as well as for mediocre type coverage. Either Phaze or another offensive move for spot 4. I run Grass Knot since I like my walls to kill stuff. Flash Cannon's kinda lame though.
Anyone who tries to switch a Ground type into Empoleon is unlikely to be winning many battles. I use Empoleon a lot, and from my experience I find the most common switch-ins to be Vaporeon, Blissey and Cresselia. All three are annoying as hell for Empoleon but do nothing much back, although it's fun sometimes to spam Roar on Vappy to prevent Wish going to the intended target. I've also seen the occasional Magnezone switch in strangely enough, which I laugh at as Thunderbolt never OHKOs but always leaves me in Torrent range, plus I invest enough in speed to outrun the standard spread.
This is the setup I use for Dusknoir on most of my teams.

Dusknoir (♀) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def
252 HP/80 Def/174 SDef
(EVs are variable/ For example, you could run sp attack to power thunder a bit.)
Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Fire Punch/Shadow Sneak/Earthquake
- Rest
- Focus Punch
- Thunder

The main tech in this set is Thunder, which will do about the same as Thunderpunch to Gyarados but is not affected by intimidate if that ever becomes a factor. The main reason Thunder is so useful, though, is for hitting Skarmory for the (approximately) 2HKO, something Thunderpunch cannot do. Also, Thunder's 30% paralysis rate is extremely useful in desperate situations, and can save your ass once or twice every couple battles. The only downside to Thunder is the accuracy, but it has never bother me much. This is basically what makes this set special in regards to other Dusknoir. Well, this and Rest and possibly Focus Punch.

Focus Punch is an amazing defense against Blissey. If it thinks it is smart firing Ice Beams at you while you Focus Punch, the foe will be losing 2 PP each turn because of pressure. It can also KO Houndoom switch-ins, and do some massive damage to Tyranitars.

Rest is much more reliable than Pain Split, at the cost at leaving you vulnerable for a few turns. If you play Dusknoir well this will not be a problem, but if you prefer it Pain Split is okay, although Rest has many more key factors that make it such a nice move. For example, it is possible to outstall Electivire with Rest if you lack Earthquake. Rest is amazing with Aroma/Heal Bell support, of course.

Fire Punch/Shadow Sneak/Earthquake is basically preference. Really, this slot can be anything. I'll mention I use Shadow Sneak in this slot, though.
^Thunder also becomes 50% accuracy under Sandstorm, which is WAY too common in OU.

I think a Gravity set would work best with him. Something like Gravity / Pain Split / EQ / Filler. >_>
Manaphy NEEDS a SubBrine set.

name: SubBrine
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Brine
move 3: Grass Knot / Tail Glow
move 4: Ice Beam / Tail Glow
item: Petaya Berry
ability: Hydration
nature(s): Timid / Modest
evs: ordered in 12 hp/246 Spc.Attack/ 252 Speed

Substitute down to 1/4 (HP Divisible by 4) and the Petaya berry will kick in, hitting things hard with a doubled-in-power Brine (which has 130 base power). Grass Knot hits Gyarados for 120 BP, and Ice Beam is an option for Dragons. Tail Glow is in there if you want to hurt even more, but because Manaphy doesn't have BoltBeam, more offensive moves are recommended.
^Thunder also becomes 50% accuracy under Sandstorm, which is WAY too common in OU.

No it doesn't. Thunder's accuracy is only lowered to 50% in the sun; sandstorm does not lower Thunder's accuracy. It's hard for me to accept that people still make that mistake.
Manaphy NEEDS a SubBrine set.

name: SubBrine
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Brine
move 3: Grass Knot / Tail Glow
move 4: Ice Beam / Tail Glow
item: Petaya Berry
ability: Hydration
nature(s): Timid / Modest
evs: ordered in 12 hp/246 Spc.Attack/ 252 Speed

Substitute down to 1/4 (HP Divisible by 4) and the Petaya berry will kick in, hitting things hard with a doubled-in-power Brine (which has 130 base power). Grass Knot hits Gyarados for 120 BP, and Ice Beam is an option for Dragons. Tail Glow is in there if you want to hurt even more, but because Manaphy doesn't have BoltBeam, more offensive moves are recommended.
Two things wrong with this set. Firstly, Manaphy is Uber so it really needs to abuse its Hydration ability in tandem with Kyogre in order to compete at that level. Secondly, that's not how Brine works. It only doubles in power when the opponent is at lower than half health, not yourself. This is just a standard SubPetaya set with a weak STAB move that would get laughed at in Ubers, where most things are faster than Manaphy.
No it doesn't. Thunder's accuracy is only lowered to 50% in the sun; sandstorm does not lower Thunder's accuracy. It's hard for me to accept that people still make that mistake.
Damnit, I thought I screwed up somewhere.

Well, even so, 70% accuracy is bad to fall on, IMO. And BTW (I thought this looked wierd, because I thought Dusknoir could only learn Ice Beam / Blizzard), this moveset is illegal. Dusknoir does NOT learn Thunder NOR Thunderbolt.
That's my fault, then, as Shoddy lists Thunder in Dusknoir's move list and I never looked it up on Serebii or anything. Well, enjoy it until Shoddy fixes it because Thunder is still pretty damn useful in ways explained in my moveset.
All right I think maybe I should appologize in advance for how gimmicky this set is, but it's actually pretty fun to use, and it's not 100% useless... (more like 85%)

Machamp @ (I warned you) Choice Specs
Trait: No Guard
120 HP / 108 Def / 252 Sp. Atk / 28 Spd
Modest (or Quiet) nature
-Focus Blast
-Fire Blast
-HP Ice / Ghost / Electric
-Dynamic Punch / Toxic / Whatever

All right, yes, it's Choice Specs Machamp. Yes, it's gimmicky.Yes, It's stupid as fuck. Ok now that we have that out of the way, it's actually pretty fun to use. With max Sp. Atk and the Specs, Machamp reaches the disturbingly high Sp. Atk of a 376, which is more than max Togekiss or Raikou. When you combine that good Sp. Atk with a STAB, 12o power never miss move, and the fact that Machamp switchins are usually Physical walls, you may end up withs omething slightly useful.

The most important thing when trying to get this to work is not to blow your secret too early, which is what the fourth move is for. Dynamic Punch will tell a smart foe that something weird is going on, but the 100% confusion can be useful regardless. Toxic doesn't betray your set, and can be useful against foes like Cresselia and Dusknoir who you aren't doing much too. You should use this fourth move the first turn you come out to see how your opponent handles Machamp. If they switch in something with weak Sp. Def, then you are good go.

Anyway, this set doesn't really do hit the best of the best Machamp counters too hard, but if your opponent happens to be lacking a Dusknoir or Cresselia (or you killed theirs), and they're relying on a Bronzong or Hippowdon pt something to beat Machamp they're in trouble.

Focus Blast allways OHKOs Skarm with SR. It has a shot of OHKOing Donphan with SR, and always 2HKOs Hippowdon. It always 2HKOs a 252 HP / 0 Def Bronzong too (although most people probably run a little Sp. Def). HP Ice OHKOs Gliscor, and 2HKOs Dragons. HP Ghost is pretty crappy, but it at least scratches Dusknoir and Cressy, for about 35-40%, which could be useful to finish them off. HP Electric is the only way your hurting Gyarados.

Now like I said originally, none of these are perfectly safe switches into a CBMachamp to begin with, but the essence of this set is that if someone switches in a half counter to take a predicted physical attack, they might end up getting OHKOed by Focus Blast when they would have expected to get 3HKOed by Dynamic Punch. Not to mention the Sp. Def drop is really useful

Alright so yes it's gimmicky as hell, and you shouldn't use it on a real team, but the point behind it is that it really isn't as crappy as you would expect. It hits harder than a max Sp. Atk Raikou using Thunder, which is pretty damn hard. So yeah, Choice Specs Machamp lol.

Sure it isn't as useful as a CB or Rest / Stalk champ, but it's fun as hell to use, and pretty cool for just being a gimmick
This is meant for UU and BL battles

Muk @ Black Sludge / Chesto Berry / Shuca Berry
Careful(+SpDef - SpAtk)
252 HP/252 SpDef/6Def
-Acid Armour
-Brick Break / Sleep Talk

A gimicky set, but it can work.You bring this in on a special attacker that lacks a SE move and Acid Armour as they switch(to something with EQ probaly).If they switched to a physical attacker use Acid Armour again.You should take the hit well thanks to the +2 Defense(+4 if you somehow outspeed them).At this point if you're close to death use Rest or if you think you can take another hit use Toxic.Chesto Berry is if you're using BB and Leftovers/Black Sludge if you're using Sleep Talk.Shuca would just be for taking an EQ better.BB is for Aggron mainly(who is a likely switch in once they see you have Toxic)but also helps against things like Steelix and Bastodian.Sleep Talk is so you aren't giving them a set up chance while you sleep, but then you are walled by all Steel types.With Muks nice base HP and SpDef and Acid Armour he can be anoying to take down.
Breloom (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Atk / 104 Def / 112 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Spore
- Stone Edge
- Awaken Slap
- Seed Bomb

"SlapLoom". Beats any (slower) restalker with some prediction. Spore when they attack, awaken slap on the sleep talk. Stone Edge and Seed Bomb on the other turns.
Iono if anyone posted anything like this already since I've read the last page of this thread but here's an idea I got last night (note: I'm not very good at Pokemon, so this set might really suck, but I tried my best XD)

Gardnachomp @Choice Scarf
EVs: 172 HP/252 DEF/80 Speed
-Brick Break
-Dragon Claw
-Aerial Ace/Crunch/Fire Fang

260 x1.5 = 390

Brick Break VS Jolly/Adamant Weavile min DEF, min HP (166/281)
289-457 (138.43%-162.63%)
Ice Punch from Admant Choice Scarf Weavile
387-456 (96.75%-114%)
Ice Punch from Jolly Choice Band Weavile
526-618 (131.50%-154.50%)
Ice Shard from Jolly Choice Band Weavile
285-335 (71.25%-83.75%)
Ice Shard from Adamant Choice Band Weavile
312-367 (78%-91.75%)

Weavile is still very much of a threat... Garchomp will OHKO
all non-Focus Sash forms and outspeeds all but the Choice
Scarf ones...
Focus Sash will screw you up though...
Survives Choice Banded Jolly/Adamant Ice Shards though...

Ice Punch from Adamant Electivire
263-309 (65.75%-77.25%)
Earthquake from Adamant Electivire
87-102 (21.75%-25.50%)
Earthquake VS Adamant min DEF, min HP Electivire (170/291)
378-445 (129.90%-152.92%)

I only list Electivire because once someone Baton Passed
about 3 Speed Boosts to his Electivire and proceeded to
sweep my entire team (doesn't help that I had 4 Ground weaks lol)
Garchomp can switch in on an Electivire Earthquake and take
25% damage and KO back... if Electivire has Speed Boosts
though he may KO you instead...

Earthquake VS Adamant Medicham min DEF, min HP (186/261)
173-204 (66.28%-78.16%)
Aerial Ace VS Same Medicham
140-164 (53.64%-62.84%)
Dragon Claw VS Same Medicham
139-163 (53.26%-62.45%)
Ice Punch from Jolly Choice Scarf Medicham
229-269 (57.25%-67.25%)
Ice Punch from Adamant Choice Scarf Medicham
250-294 (62.50%-73.50%)
Ice Punch from Adamant Choice Band Medicham
372-437 (93%-109.25%)
Ice Punch from Jolly Choice Band Medicham
340-400 (85%-100%)

Medicham is still a threat, and Aerial Ace is not worth it
unless you're worried about Heracross or Breloom...

here's some calculations:
Aerial Ace VS Jolly/Adamant Heracross min DEF, min HP (186/301)
280-329 (93.02%-109.30%)
eww doesn't even OHKO >_<
Fire Fang on that same Heracross only does 151-178 (50.17%-59.14%)

Let's see Breloom... (196/261)
Aerial Ace = 266-312 (101.92%-119.54%)
Fire Fang = 144-169 (55.17%-64.75%)
So Aerial Ace does have some use...

I only thought up this set because my Garchomp kept getting KOd so easily by stuff that I wouldn't think would KO him >_< they outsped me (Choice Scarf Medicham) and OHKO me (Ice Punch on said Medicham)
so I decided to go for a defensive approach that carried enough Speed to outspeed most threats and OHKO/2HKO while living through one or 2 hits...

Crunch is there if you're worried about Ghost or Psychic types... I didn't do any calculations for it though...

Thanks for reading, any and all criticism is appreciated, I really want to learn and become a better Pokemon Battler...

Nice set, I want to see some more calc's, at least to me, an idea of a bulky garchomp is really cool.

Ice Punch from Adamant Electivire
263-309 (65.75%-77.25%)
Earthquake from Adamant Electivire
87-102 (21.75%-25.50%)

I think this is pretty cool. You can switch IN on an electavire's earthquake, and then take an ice punch and live more than half the time.

But in action, I'm not sure how it would do. It outruns unscarfed weavile, falls short of jolteon (who would hp ice this mofo).
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