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why not make it slightly less bulky and make it faster so it can outspeed scarf hera at 269 and other pokes that run 270 and 271 just to beat heracross (all with scarf of course)
The problem with Garchomp is that it's not feasible to stop Ice Beams and HP Ices which are his #1 downfall. Ice Punches are not on enough pokemon to necessitate watering down his offense.

260 x1.5 = 390
Sandstorm is a Rock-type boost last I checked. I may be out of the loop though.
Persian @ Kings Rock
Jolly Nature

252 ATT//252 SPD//6 HP

Fury Swipes (2-5 10% flinch chances, plus tech. boost)
Fake Out (100% flinch chance, plus tech. boost)
Bite (30% + 10% of flinch, plus tech. boost)

LOL this is the best idea I had ever. Ok, so we got Technician, which boosts the power of each "fury swipe" to 40. Pretty cool. Then, you got your kings rock.

See where this is going? Annoy the heck outta things by flinching them all the time. Each hit from Fury Swipes has a 10% chance of flinching!

If a ghost comes in, hit it with boosted Bite or put it to sleep. Then continue your flinching rampage.

Sure, it sounds good in theory, but it probably sucks. Best to stick with UU, but still worth a laugh :D
That's his speed, not special defense. It is 390 due to Choice Scarf.
Alright, it's not uncommon for people to put SpDef last, etc. etc.
you are out of the loop, but you are right on this account
I was only gone four months.

See where this is going? Annoy the heck outta things by flinching them all the time. Each hit from Fury Swipes has a 10% chance of flinching!
I highly doubt this is how the attack works. Even if it does, Bite has ~40% flinch and I've known Fury Swipes to miss more times than it hits 5 in a row.
Lucario (Wise Glasses)
Naive Nature


EV Spread: SPD 252 / ATK 216 / SP ATK 31 / rest to SP DEF
Wise Glasses to boost SP ATK to 300. 310 ATK.
Psychic (eliminate Fighting types)
Aura Sphere (signature move, kills Steel Types)
Crunch (for general Psychics - Psychics usually have very low DEF so Crunch gives more damage instead of Dark Pulse)
Extremespeed (pick off weaker opponents)

Info: Mixed Sweeper (haven't seen this in the list yet)
P.S. I think a 90 base power spatk move with 300 SP ATK would do the same damage as 80 base power atk move with 310 ATK.

Rhyperior (Leftovers)

Solid Rock


Stone Edge

EV spread: 244 SP DEF / HP 120 / 146 DEF
Total: 401 HP (enough to absorb 4 Seismic Tosses), 332 DEF, 340 SP DEF when Sandstorm is active

Info: Mixed tank in a sandstorm. Balanced DEF and SP DEF (in addition to Solid Rock) to absorb damage. Very good in theory, but it might suck due to the shift of all EVs to its tank capabilities. Maybe best to stick with the listed forms of Rhyperior (HP, ATK and DEF EVs.) but IMO since Rhyperior is slow as a snail, the stats should concentrate on defending itself, though not the skills.
Cool BL/UU sets:

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
252 Attack/252 Speed
Mirror Coat
Extremespeed/Seismic Toss

An annoying way to take out 1 or 2 Pokémon easily. Counter or Mirror Coat an obvious physical/special hit, one KO right there. Then, if you are faster than what switches in, Explode. If not, Extremespeed it to at least do something. Annoying!

Gastrodon @ Leftovers
252 Def 212 HP 40 Sp. Def
Mirror Coat

Continuing the general idea of "hit back", Countercoat does. Recover and Stockpile to make Gastrodon last.

Other cool stuff I want to try:
Technician Giga Drain Punch
Persian @ Kings Rock
Jolly Nature

252 ATT//252 SPD//6 HP

Fury Swipes (2-5 10% flinch chances, plus tech. boost)
Fake Out (100% flinch chance, plus tech. boost)
Bite (30% + 10% of flinch, plus tech. boost)

I don't believe King's Rock and Bite work together, so Bite should not get an additional 10% flinch rate. I'm fairly sure of that, but I could be wrong.
Gastrodon @ Leftovers
252 Def 212 HP 40 Sp. Def
Mirror Coat

Gastrodon cannot use Counter Coat, due to the fact that they are both egg moves on gastrodon, and you can't breed gastrodon with any pokemon who learns them both (besides mudkip, who is in the same situation as gastrodon)

unless of course I don't know something, and it's available through some special means.
Yeah... I was trying all very accurate moves on Ambipom (Swift, Shock Wave, Aerial Ace... etc.) but I wish Ambipom could learn Drain Punch. I hope my ideas work too.
The problem with Garchomp is that it's not feasible to stop Ice Beams and HP Ices which are his #1 downfall. Ice Punches are not on enough pokemon to necessitate watering down his offense.

Sandstorm is a Rock-type boost last I checked. I may be out of the loop though.

That is true, but out of all my battles it seems lots of people love to carry Electivire/Medichams with Ice Punch which got annoying lol...

I'll run up some more calculations when I have time, which Pokemon should I calculate on though?

Man, I never thought of Jolteon lol... I guess I better start changing EVs too...

The reason I don't really fear Ice Beams and HP Ice is cuz I always pair my Garchomp with my Vaporeon... Do you think a Vaporeon who focuses completely on SpDef would have any use? (I was considering maxing SpDef and forgetting all about regular Def, that way he can take 3-4 non-specs Starmie Thunderbolts and OHKO with 2 shots... I don't know how well he does against other Special Sweepers, but even with minimum defense he survives a non-banded Adamant Garchomp's Outrage...)

Thanks for the comments :)

Gastrodon cannot use Counter Coat, due to the fact that they are both egg moves on gastrodon, and you can't breed gastrodon with any pokemon who learns them both (besides mudkip, who is in the same situation as gastrodon)

unless of course I don't know something, and it's available through some special means.

Swampert can learn mirror coat in 3rd gen by egg, then use the counter move tutor, Pal park and breed with gastrodon.
Yeah at least he won't die in one hit.

That Rhyperior can survive one Hydro Pump (255-300 damage) more or less with Solid Rock also taken in account and with 340 SP DEF in a sandstorm. Can also survive Hydro Cannon (317-373 damage).
I highly doubt this is how the attack works. Even if it does, Bite has ~40% flinch and I've known Fury Swipes to miss more times than it hits 5 in a row.
It has been shown that King's Rock together with Beat Up and Triple Kick has a 10% chance to flinch for _every_ hit, giving Beat Up a 47% chance of flinching (with 6 Pokemon all not fainted in your team) and Triple Kick a 27% chance of flinching.

Fury Swipes hasn't been tested with King's Rock, but, given the results for Triple Kick and Beat Up, I'd say it has a huge chance that it works the same way.

Also, Bite + King's Rock doesn't become 40% flinch rate, but it's not 30% flinch rate either. It becomes 37%. Here's how it works.

The game first checks for the normal 30% chance of flinch, and, if it doesn't flinch, it then checks for the 10% chance of flinch due to King's Rock.

So the probability becomes 30% + (70% x 10%) = 30% + 7% = 37%.

In general, a flinching move having F% flinch rate used with King's Rock would have flinch rate (10% + 90% of F%).
I don't believe King's Rock and Bite work together, so Bite should not get an additional 10% flinch rate. I'm fairly sure of that, but I could be wrong.

AW, (lol) it sounded good in theory. And yes, each hit from Fury Swipes does have a chance of flinching. Same with Triple Kick (but thats an exclusive move)

This thing could be like a UU togekiss lol
Gastrodon cannot use Counter Coat, due to the fact that they are both egg moves on gastrodon, and you can't breed gastrodon with any pokemon who learns them both (besides mudkip, who is in the same situation as gastrodon)

unless of course I don't know something, and it's available through some special means.

Peterko on Gastrodon's Dex entry said that you can get a Mirror Coat Egg Move'd Swampert in Emerald and then have the Emerald Tutor teach it Counter. It takes too much effort for a UU set, but it is legal.
I don't believe King's Rock and Bite work together, so Bite should not get an additional 10% flinch rate. I'm fairly sure of that, but I could be wrong.
It does work, but it won't result in 40% flinch rate. Read my previous post here.
Persian @ Kings Rock
Jolly Nature

252 ATT//252 SPD//6 HP

Fury Swipes (2-5 10% flinch chances, plus tech. boost)
Fake Out (100% flinch chance, plus tech. boost)
Bite (30% + 10% of flinch, plus tech. boost)

LOL this is the best idea I had ever. Ok, so we got Technician, which boosts the power of each "fury swipe" to 40. Pretty cool. Then, you got your kings rock.

See where this is going? Annoy the heck outta things by flinching them all the time. Each hit from Fury Swipes has a 10% chance of flinching!

If a ghost comes in, hit it with boosted Bite or put it to sleep. Then continue your flinching rampage.

Sure, it sounds good in theory, but it probably sucks. Best to stick with UU, but still worth a laugh :D

jolteon - 65 base hitpoints and 60 base defense.

fury swipes, five times off your persian to a standard neutral noDEF/noHP jolteon: 11.81% - 14.02% each hit.
laughable damage, possible 5HKO, possible 2HKO (not likely at all, if you factor in the miss chance)

now take something more bulky...
It does work, but it won't result in 40% flinch rate. Read my previous post here.

Ah, I didn't realize that those two worked together. I always thought with most moves that already possessed side-effects (i.e. Freeze) wouldn't work with King's Rock, but I guess Bite is an exception? Guess I won't take Bulbapedia's information as entirely reliable.
Hasty 212 spd / 252 atk / 44 sp.atk
-Thunder wave
-Hidden Power [Fight]

And ok lead. Hidden power fighting for weavile / tyranitar leads.
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