Gen 5 The OU Viability Ranking thread

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Ill be nominating Infernape for B-Tier.


I honestly believe this mon can be very viable even without a sun team. Its STAB Close Combat is nothing to joke about and makes it an effective sweeper. It also learns two priority moves, Fake Out and Mach Punch. I personally prefer Fake Out to break focus sashes, but both can be used well.

It's speed is where its strength is at. It matches Terrakion speed, and with the rarity of Jolly Terraks, Hasty Infernape can one shot it with a CC. It also is a beast under the sun, and a can be a great counter to Venusaur. One of its STAB moves, Over Heat, can completely fool an opponent. For example, after Over heating, the mon special attack drops...which could imply for the opponent to set up on a weaker Infernape. It OHKO Volcarona, Ninetales, Kyurem-B and Thundurus-T with Stone Edge, not to mention it out speeds the latter pokemon.

Other Versions can be used besides the mixed ape. It can be scarfed to beat other scarf user. Banded to increase the attack, or you can run a swords dance variant/special sweeper variant.

Heres a Quick Replay:

Here are Calcs to support my statements:

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Ninetales: 309-364 (88.28 - 104%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 801-951 (198.26 - 235.39%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kyurem-B: 439-517 (112.27 - 132.22%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 478-564 (147.53 - 174.07%) -- guaranteed OHKO

4 SpA Life Orb Infernape Overheat vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Gliscor: 257-304 (72.59 - 85.87%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dragonite: 255-302 (78.94 - 93.49%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 DefThundurus: 322-382 (107.69 - 127.75%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Not to mention after a fake out it can Close Combat a Politoed away.
Ill be nominating Infernape for B-Tier.


I honestly believe this mon can be very viable even without a sun team. Its STAB Close Combat is nothing to joke about and makes it an effective sweeper. It also learns two priority moves, Fake Out and Mach Punch. I personally prefer Fake Out to break focus sashes, but both can be used well.

It's speed is where its strength is at. It matches Terrakion speed, and with the rarity of Jolly Terraks, Hasty Infernape can one shot it with a CC. It also is a beast under the sun, and a can be a great counter to Venusaur. One of its STAB moves, Over Heat, can completely fool an opponent. For example, after Over heating, the mon special attack drops...which could imply for the opponent to set up on a weaker Infernape. It OHKO Volcarona, Ninetales, Kyurem-B and Thundurus-T with Stone Edge, not to mention it out speeds the latter pokemon.

Other Versions can be used besides the mixed ape. It can be scarfed to beat other scarf user. Banded to increase the attack, or you can run a swords dance variant/special sweeper variant.

Heres a Quick Replay:

Here are Calcs to support my statements:

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Ninetales: 309-364 (88.28 - 104%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 801-951 (198.26 - 235.39%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kyurem-B: 439-517 (112.27 - 132.22%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 478-564 (147.53 - 174.07%) -- guaranteed OHKO

4 SpA Life Orb Infernape Overheat vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Gliscor: 257-304 (72.59 - 85.87%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dragonite: 255-302 (78.94 - 93.49%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Life Orb Infernape Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 DefThundurus: 322-382 (107.69 - 127.75%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Not to mention after a fake out it can Close Combat a Politoed away.

Most of your calcs involved the moves Close Combat and Stone Edge, so I would I bother using Infernape when I can just use Terrakion, who gets STAB on both moves and has higher attack, as well as the same speed? Overheating Gliscor and access to Mach Punch is it's only advantage over Terrakion, but I say it's not enough, and just to add more salt to the wound, being a Fire-type not named Heatran sucks in this metagame, what with rain being just around every corner. Infernape is largely outclassed in just about every way; I'd say keep it C-rank at the most.

Also, don't use Fake Out on Infernape. Ever.
Most of your calcs involved the moves Close Combat and Stone Edge, so I would I bother using Infernape when I can just use Terrakion, who gets STAB on both moves and has higher attack, as well as the same speed? Overheating Gliscor and access to Mach Punch is it's only advantage over Terrakion, but I say it's not enough, and just to add more salt to the wound, being a Fire-type not named Heatran sucks in this metagame, what with rain being just around every corner. Infernape is largely outclassed in just about every way; I'd say keep it C-rank at the most.

Also, don't use Fake Out on Infernape. Ever.

Well, with that regard you can argue why use almost any physical sweeper over Terrak? He's on S Rank for a reason, and I personally do believe Heatran and Infernape are two completely different mons. Ones made for a solid tank while the other is a sweeper. Not to mention its a great check to the popular Scizor...For example,

252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 354-416 (109.25 - 128.39%) -- guaranteed OHKO

For the record, Im not arguing that Infernape is better than the obviously better Terrakion...Im just saying he has his perks over it and is viable for B-Rank.

And whats wrong with Fake Out? A first turn hit and gurantees an opponent to flinch is bad because...?

added Mienshao to C-tier
added Tornadus-I to B-tier
moved Haxorus up from C-tier ==> B-tier


No objections with adding Mienshao to C-tier and Tornadus to B-tier. Even with the existence of Tornadus-T, Tornadus-I is still a powerful threat because of its fast Speed and Hurricane. I you're doubting its viability in OU I would give this team a look.

Haxorus was a bit tricky to place. Even Genesect banned, the metagame wasn't very kind to it since everything hits fast & hard. That said, I got some mileage out of the CB set (I honestly think its better than CB Kyurem, since Haxorus can actually kill steel-types ) and the Dragon Dance set, which is pretty decent with a yache equipped. It's viability on DragMag teams speak for itself.

@Volcorona: You're going to have to sell me on why its A-tier. I understand that Volcorona is difficult to deal with once it's set up, but setting up sweep in this metagame is legitimately difficult. Rain is everywhere, and while you may argue that it just lets Volcorona abuse Hurricane, it also gives water-types a STAB boost which makes it easier to kill/weakens its Fire-STAB. Scarf Keldeo is around every corner, and can always revenge kill +1 Volcorona. Even Tornadus-T (who is omnipresent) is a good check since it resists all of its moves in the rain and can maul it with Hurricane. Even if we discount those incredibly common checks, is it really on par with the likes of Keldeo, Landorus and the majority of the offensive threats in A-tier? These are risk free sweepers who don't need SR removed to do their job and can function in almost any weather. In BW1, I wouldn't have hesitated to place Volcorona in A-tier, but its really a shell of its former self in BW2, and it shows. Volcorona is non-existent on the PS ladder, and before you cry foul and say "lol PS ladder" it wasn't very common on the Suspect ladder either (#29).

@Espeon: Yeah I'd say you've made your point Super Mario Bros. Any objections? I'm just about ready to move this thing to B-tier.

Volcarona fits just fine in B-Tier. Being 4x weak to Stealth Rocks which is pretty much a staple on any kind of team except maybe some hyper offence, really sucks for the big moth. Yes I agree that it's very dangerous if given the chance to set up, however it's extremely predictable and quite easy to revenge kill when at +1. Scarfed Terrakion, Mienshao, Infernape, and Keldeo under rain have no problem dealing with it even after a boost, and rain hurts it's sweeping potential by a long shot. I feel that the best way to use Volc is on a Sun team so it can get boosted Fire STABs, but on non weather teams that lack any way to change the weather it's quite difficult for it to KO with it's Fire type moves with the huge prevalence of rain. I definitely agree that Volcarona is NOT A-Tier material.

B Rank: Reserved for Pokemon who cannot sweep through or wall significant portions of the metagame, but can properly fulfill a given offensive/defensive niche. Support Pokemon in this category have flaws that prevent them from doing their job or are setup bait for dangerous sweepers. Pokemon who are partially outperformed by a Pokemon in A or S Rank, but are otherwise very dangerous, may also fall into this category.

Pretty much sums up Volcarona right there.
Well, with that regard you can argue why use almost any physical sweeper over Terrak? He's on S Rank for a reason, and I personally do believe Heatran and Infernape are two completely different mons. Ones made for a solid tank while the other is a sweeper. Not to mention its a great check to the popular Scizor...For example,

252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 354-416 (109.25 - 128.39%) -- guaranteed OHKO

For the record, Im not arguing that Infernape is better than the obviously better Terrakion...Im just saying he has his perks over it and is viable for B-Rank.

And whats wrong with Fake Out? A first turn hit and gurantees an opponent to flinch is bad because...?

I brought up Heatran to say he's on of the only Fire-type Pokemon who can be used on a non-sun team, since he actually finds use for reasons other than his Fire-type STABs. But I brought up Terrakion because Infernape is so overwhelmingly outclassed by him that it leaves Infernape with no valuable niche.

Also, Fake Out is bad because it's piss weak, will likely deal more damage to you than it will to the opponent (assuming LO), and as soon as you show it to your opponent, becomes incredibly predictable. I'd rather use Mach Punch in all circumstances; Mach Punch at least gets STAB and has type coverage.
I also support espeon for B tier. Not only is epseon the face of Baton pass, but it is arguably one of the best deoxys-d counter along with one of the premier dual screen users.
Ok look here, Infernape is an utter piece of shit in this metagame a good majority of teams carry a direct counter to it, whether it be Latios, Latias, Jellicent, Tentacruel, Gyarados, Hippowdon, or even Slowbro. If they don't have it, they usually have the often have the offensive backbone for infernape to be a pointless threat, out speed or checking it with several members of their team, that or between hazards and passive weather damage, its going down. What advantage does infernape have over lets say anything in the S, A, or even B tier, it can't sweep, it can't wall break, its a shitty hazard setter. Infernape might have some use on a sun team and maybe it might be able to break apart a single pokemon on a balanced them, but honestly, there are better pokemon, use them.
Deo-D isn't used that much to make Espeon as viable as everyone says imo (because that's really the only reason you use Espeon; unless your full BP). BP is such an uncommon strategy, and it's also a field where diversity is limited so I would reckon that Espeon stay exactly where it is. Dual Screens are also decent at best in OU so I wouldn't advertise that as one of Espeon's pluses, especially when Azelf does it better (with fast taunts, U-turn, explosion, and faster screens).
Common or not espeon makes BP viable. W/o espeon it wouldn't even be a decent strategy. Also, I wouldn't say azelf does it better considering it can be taunted itself and is ttar bait(espeon can escape due to BP).
Anyone else think Volcarona should be A rank? I know it has a "crippling weakness" (namely SR), but it is just so ridiculously good when SR is not around that I reckon it should be better than B rank. If SR was NOT around, I'd seriously consider it being S rank. Anyway, even with Stealth Rock, Volcarona is still a huge threat, since a 50% Volc is usually still as likely to sweep a team as a 100% one. Stealth Rock, in most of the cases, is just an inconvenience that "prevents it doing its job consistently" (A tier description) rather than a huge crippling flaw that knocks it down two tiers. The fact that it has a number of sets that can let it be used in any form of weather, as well as bulky and offensive threats just speaks volumes of this thing's versatility, IMO.

Move Volcarona to A rank

The problem with Volcarona (besides sr weakness which, as you mentioned, is often whatever) is its awful coverage. Being hard walled by heatran is never a good thing. It's stabs are resisted by all fire types (chestorest, bulky sets, roost, etc.) and rain volc simply does not hit hard enough in many cases (non stab hurricane), at least on the things that hurricane is now supposed to cover.

It is very easy to set up, but it is so easy to wall that b rank seems like a nice fit.
The problem with Volcarona (besides sr weakness which, as you mentioned, is often whatever) is its awful coverage. Being hard walled by heatran is never a good thing. It's stabs are resisted by all fire types (chestorest, bulky sets, roost, etc.) and rain volc simply does not hit hard enough in many cases (non stab hurricane), at least on the things that hurricane is now supposed to cover.

It is very easy to set up, but it is so easy to wall that b rank seems like a nice fit.
I seem to recall another setup sweeper that was walled hard by Heatran, I think it was, um, RP Genesect? In all seriousness, rain really puts a damper on Volcarona, who already has an SR weakness. I think B tier is fair.
With dual screens you don't need to escape pursuit; you'd be bulky enough to set up both screens after reflect. Also, BP sucks on Espeon when using the screener set...

I never said Azelf outclased its other sets and the other sets are the only reason you'd need to BP out anyway. BP was viable before Espeon in DPPL so I don't see why it wouldn't be viable without it... Espeon does make it better but that's not a good enough reason alone for B tier. Espeon needs to stay where it is at.

Also, "common or not" -- it has a great deal to do if its common or not. Making Espeon B tier encourages more newer players to use an uncommon and non-diverse strategy....? Please, make a valid argument.
What's so Non-diverse about BP? It's different than everything else. Priority taunt users are all around the corner and they threaten BP immensely w/o espeon, don't compare DPP to BW, they're too different. It's clear you haven't used espeon if you think BP sucks on the screener set, it's like using u-turn because it can instantly grab momentum while escaping potential pursuit users. BP helps so that it can come back in and set up screens multiple times through out the match, that's why it is best to keep it healthy rather than let it take the hit from tyranitar or scizor, which still hurts even after reflect. CB pursuit can still OHKO or come very close even after reflect. B tier is appropriate due to its invaluable niche on BP teams, it's excellent DS set, and the fact it can counter one of the more potent pokemon in the tier, deoxys-d.
I seem to recall another setup sweeper that was walled hard by Heatran, I think it was, um, RP Genesect? In all seriousness, rain really puts a damper on Volcarona, who already has an SR weakness. I think B tier is fair.

Detailed Result:
252 +1 SpAtk Life Orb Genesect (+SpAtk) Thunderbolt vs 4 HP/0 SpDef Heatran: 61.73% - 72.53%
2 hits to KO

Detailed Result:
252 +1 SpAtk Life Orb Genesect (+SpAtk) Thunderbolt vs 252 HP/252 SpDef Heatran (+SpDef) : 37.56% - 44.3%
Entry hazards damage: 48
After entry hazards: 193 - 219 (50% - 56.74%)
2-3 hits to KO

And gene required much less set up (a switch in was sometimes sufficient...) and it had much better coverage (as in, could hit a fire type for nuetral damage)


Tyrannitar for S rank.

-Sand is just as integral to the meta as rain is (though arguably more well rounded)
-Pokemon like Landorus, Sandslash, and Terrakion receive massive boosts (terrakion less so, but that extra spdef allows it to tank very nice attacks #rpgenesect+1gigadrain)
-Tyrannitar, unlike politoed and ninetales, is a very nice pokemon by itself (in sand that is... unnerve ttar is godawful) in that it functions as a "good" weather summoner, and performs its job quite well as opposed to the other two main weathers
-Tyrannitar is capable of causing major damage with a choice band set, as well as get rid of large threats (lati@s, etc.) with its mixed/support sets (or band), simply adding to its capabilities as a supportive+offensive mon
What's so Non-diverse about BP? It's different than everything else. Priority taunt users are all around the corner and they threaten BP immensely w/o espeon, don't compare DPP to BW, they're too different. It's clear you haven't used espeon if you think BP sucks on the screener set, it's like using u-turn because it can instantly grab momentum while escaping potential pursuit users. BP helps so that it can come back in and set up screens multiple times through out the match, that's why it is best to keep it healthy rather than let it take the hit from tyranitar or scizor, which still hurts even after reflect. CB pursuit can still OHKO or come very close even after reflect.

It's non-diverse because not many Pokemon learn BP and even fewer are usable (THUS UN-DIVERSE). Priority taunters are everywhere...? Please explain that. T_T The only fast Taunt I've seen in OU is Tornadus's, that's not exactly a lot (especially since liable for ban). Your argument would've been stronger with "roar" over "taunt", but Mr.Mime's soundproof blocks roar's and Ingrain from Smeargle also grounds you. Ninjask often gives you a lot of speed to taunt most taunt users back anyway. Clearly, you've never played DPPL BP before. I suppose Espeon is not, but I don't see the point really. Dual Screening is supposed to enable fast set up and you can hardly ever get use of more than 1 round of Dual Screens anyway unless you royally fuck up; and the dual screener in question is usually weak as hell to get all screens back up another time.


Deo-D isn't that common, like say Rain or Sand. Not enough to warrant Espeon a huge plus.
Dual Screening rather sucks this meta. I have literally seen it 0 times this past year.
BP is such an uncommon strategy and un-diverse that it doesn't warrant Espeon enough of a niche than what is implied.
It's non-diverse because not many Pokemon learn BP and even fewer are usable (THUS UN-DIVERSE). Priority taunters are everywhere...? Please explain that. T_T The only fast Taunt I've seen in OU is Tornadus's, that's not exactly a lot (especially since liable for ban). Your argument would've been stronger with "roar" over "taunt", but Mr.Mime's soundproof blocks roar's and Ingrain from Smeargle also grounds you. Ninjask often gives you a lot of speed to taunt most taunt users back anyway. Clearly, you've never played DPPL BP before. It's also hard for BP to gain momentum with such high speeds on Espeon since it outspeeds a lot and therefore can't scout as good as U-turn, which Azelf gets. Azelf is a suicide screener; I suppose Espeon is not, but I don't see the point really. Dual Screening is supposed to enable fast set up and you can hardly ever get use of more than 1 round of Dual Screens anyway unless you royally fuck up; and the dual screener in question is usually weak as hell to get all screens back up another time.

Wtf? It's diverse in that it is a non-generic playstyle unlike HO or rain. Were the hell are you getting your definitions from? More viable playstyles=more diversity. Priority taunt users such as sabelye or whimiscott fuck up BP quite badly, regardless of the user's speed. And don't go with the whole, "they're not ou LUL and are uncommon", they're still a major threat that's now avoided due to espeon's presence. Another one is whirlwind which is commonly carried on walls like hippowdon and skarmory. It's unorthodox and works well on unprepared teams. Who cares about DPPL, that metagame is totally different than BW. By the way you explain what's wrong with it(DS set), it doesn't even look like you use it/know how to. You set up on walls or weak attackers. Trust me, I find it easy to set up DS more than once. Usage does not imply how good something is, so stop spewing that pathetic rhetoric.

Edit: People keep complaining that doexys-d is a broken threat and now I present you with a viable counter and you dismiss it because doexy-d isn't common, shit argument.
I'm not going to bother this pointless banter. Its seriously annoying. I remember the band Gene argument we had and that was shit so I'm not going into it (it went into one of your ears and out the other).

I'm going to address Vemane's proposal on S Rank TTar. I quite think TTar is amazing too, but I'm stuck between A tier and S tier, because of its distinct weaknesses to fighting and U-turn is what's hampering it to A Tier for me, but I'm all for discussion. TTar is just amazing this metagame, I especially love band Tar
Wtf? It's diverse in that it is a non-generic playstyle unlike HO or rain.

That isn't what diverse means...

Baton pass might make the /metagame/ more diverse (which it really doesn't fyi), but a baton pass team is undoubtably the least diverse team to exist.

ninjask+vap+espeon+mr mime+scizor+filler is the layout for nearly EVERY single one

They all fill an important niche roll and they do it well, thus there is no reason to switch them out for other pokes
I'm not going to bother this pointless banter. Its seriously annoying. I remember the band Gene argument we had and that was shit so I'm not going into it (it went into one of your ears and out the other).

I'm going to address Vemane's proposal on S Rank TTar. I quite think TTar is amazing too, but I'm stuck between A tier and S tier, because of its distinct weaknesses to fighting and U-turn is what's hampering it to A Tier for me, but I'm all for discussion. TTar is just amazing this metagame, I especially love band Tar

It's not so much Ttar's charasteristics as an individual pokemon that I am addressing, more the support characteristic that placed toad in S-tier.

In my opinion, the most difficult factor in determining TTar's place is hippowdown.

Both of them have their individual merits, and in the current metagame, both are equally effective (from my experience)

But both also provide the same support, which brings up whether or not the two should be tiered together as general sand supporters
That isn't what diverse means...

Baton pass might make the /metagame/ more diverse (which it really doesn't fyi), but a baton pass team is undoubtably the least diverse team to exist.

ninjask+vap+espeon+mr mime+scizor+filler is the layout for nearly EVERY single one

They all fill an important niche roll and they do it well, thus there is no reason to switch them out for other pokes

I meant that it diversifies the metagame as a whole by adding more playstyles, not that the team archetype is varied in itself.
I meant that it diversifies the metagame as a whole by adding more playstyles, not that the team archetype is varied in itself.

That is not what you said at all, though, no matter what you meant, thus resulting in the small chunk of banter that ensued.

And adding a single playstyle (that makes it more difficult for other playstyles to function no less) is hardly diversifying the metagame, especially one so rarely used.
Both of them have their individual merits, and in the current metagame, both are equally effective (from my experience)

Imo Hippo is just better. Sure ttar can reliably shut down psychics like Lati@s and Starmie (and this is a really good attribute to have), but with it's typing it just feels to me like everything's got something on you. The top 6 mons on the suspect ladder can all handle ttar, while only around 4 can take on Hippowdon.
Tyranitar being S rank is a ridiculous idea. It's nowhere near as dominant as the S Pokemon we have already, and it gets destroyed by a significant chunk of the metagame without nearly providing support on the level that Politoed or Deoxys-D does. Frankly, Tyranitar is only so good because of the presence of Politoed and Ninetales - without the presence of other weather there would be far less reason to run Tyranitar. For this reason, it should remain A tier.
Imo Hippo is just better. Sure ttar can reliably shut down psychics like Lati@s and Starmie (and this is a really good attribute to have), but with it's typing it just feels to me like everything's got something on you. The top 6 mons on the suspect ladder can all handle ttar, while only around 4 can take on Hippowdon.

There are 6 mons that can handle ttar. Now, say which Pokémon Hippowdon can handle. Hippowdon has less offensive presence than ttar and is very prone to lose momentum and being useless sometimes. Not to mention that nasty weakness to special attacks.

This is not to say that Tyranitar is S-Tier. I am unsure of this, because while what Tyranitar can do is certainly amazing, it has those nasty common weakness, and is not actually sweeping most of the metagame. Not to mention that there are few actual sand abusers, which diminishes the need to use Tyranitar.
C Rank: Reserved for Pokemon who can be effective given the right support, but either have crippling flaws that prevent them from consistently executing their strategy or are completely eclipsed by a Pokemon in the above ranks.

Moltres deserves a spot in the C-Rank, if given rain(yes Rain) and spin support can be extremely effective but SR works as a crippling flaw as it looses half its health, additionally Moltres base 90 speed is a little bit middling. Here are some damage calcs from Smogon's OU entry for Moltres w/Specs,
Hurricane vs 4 SpD Heatran: 45.82 - 54.17%, sure 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Hurricane vs 184 HP Rotom-W: 51.56 - 60.62%, 94.14% chance to 2HKO
Hurricane vs +2 SpD 0 HP Volcarona: 97.1 - 114.46%, 81.25% chance to OHKO
Hurricane vs 4 SpD Dragonite: 96.9 - 114.24%
Hurricane vs 56 HP Gyarados: 90.72 - 107.24%
Hurricane vs 4 HP Garchomp: 100 - 118.15%
Hurricane vs 252 HP Skarmory: 62.87 - 73.95%
Fire Blast (rain) vs 252 / 224+ Jirachi: 57.92 - 68.31%

Additionally a Fire Blast in the rain from Moltres still OHKO's Ferrothorn. I would've gone in depth a little bit more but I have to run! I'll probably edit this a little bit later.
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