CAP 6 CAP 6 - Part 11 - Supporting Moves Discussion

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Okay, you have a point, but with good prediction you could Cross Chop when they roost or something. I am not saying you are wrong, I am just saying that regardless of Zapdos having roost, CAP6 can potentially stall out non-offensive versions with Recover.

If you Cross Chop while Zapdos roosts he finishes you off next turn as you didn't heal, so it's still not possible but i get what you mean.
Block/Mean Look could be interesting because it might give it a better chance to finish off the things it's supposed to be countering rather than having them run, not sure if that would make it too overpowering though.

And tennis, my name comes from my initials plus my degree. I'm not American so we don't have those commercials.
If you Cross Chop while Zapdos roosts he finishes you off next turn as you didn't heal, so it's still not possible but i get what you mean.

Oh, I should have elaborated. Zapdos will be outspeeding you, so you Recover the turns it would Thundebolt, not after. It would always be a 2hko if you didn't recover the turn it used thunderbolt.
Oh, I should have elaborated. Zapdos will be outspeeding you, so you Recover the turns it would Thundebolt, not after. It would always be a 2hko if you didn't recover the turn it used thunderbolt.

But then Zapdos would have no need to roost as you never attacked him so that would throw the Cross Chop plan out of the window...

lol i think we better stop it as its turning like a stall battle between us xD
But then Zapdos would have no need to roost as you never attacked him so that would throw the Cross Chop plan out of the window...

lol i think we better stop it as its turning like a stall battle between us xD

Oh, I was thinking using Roost to waste Recover PP.

Yea, I think we have debated this as much as possible.
Oh, I was thinking using Roost to waste Recover PP.
Even though the discussion is over I want to clear something up with everyone. Pressure only effect moves that affect the Pressure user. Recovery moves like Roost or stat-up moves like Bulk up aren't affected. So CAP6 could keep using Recover 16 times since Pressure doesn't affect those moves.

But TW doesn't paralyze Ground-types, maybe that's the reason it's still pending?
But what ground type is going to switch into CAP6 and not feel like an ass for doing so?
Recover is 20 pp BTW.

As far as Glare goes, even with 75% accuracy, I would rather it have not have Glare can hit every pokemon while thunderwave cannot hit grounds. Then again, not many ground would switching into CAP6. Overall, I would prefer no to Glare, yet I will not complain if it gets it.
The only things that Glare's really gonna effect that T-Wave + Water Move wouldn't is Swampert, Torterra, Flygon and Electivire, 4 pokemon, 2 of which aren't around much if at all :/
Oh Come On. No one is going to take -25% acc just for the ability to hit Ground types. The move only works 3/4 times! That's low enough to discourage competitive use Alot. Take Dragon Rush for example. The 75% Accuracy is the only turn off, comes with a nice 20% Flinch side effect and yet no one uses it. That's because low accuracy is huge downside for any move.

Glare is definitely inferior to Thunder Wave. Either way, both should be Allowed.

Growth should be Unallowed. It is a Grass type only move with No exceptions and is barely competitive on CAP6 due to its low SpA, so no one will miss it anyway.
I really support Gastro Acid. Most of the top-OU Pokémon rely on their ability, and can be really hampered by its removal. Unfortunately this removal is nullified by a switch-out, but it could indeed force switches.

On the other hand, I find Me First not so useful. It's quite situational, and while CAP6 can outspeed many Pokémon it is meant to check (Tyranitar, Scizor, Revenankh etc), most of the times the STAB attacks will do more, even taking into account the 1.5 damage boost. So, I really dont see the point besides not allowing it.
I really support Gastro Acid. Most of the top-OU Pokémon rely on their ability, and can be really hampered by its removal. Unfortunately this removal is nullified by a switch-out, but it could indeed force switches.

Move it to allowed, not like it's going to get any use anyway. I also doubt it will make a movepool lol.

On the other hand, I find Me First not so useful. It's quite situational, and while CAP6 can outspeed many Pokémon it is meant to check (Tyranitar, Scizor, Revenankh etc), most of the times the STAB attacks will do more, even taking into account the 1.5 damage boost. So, I really dont see the point besides not allowing it.

Move it to allowed for the same reason as Gastro Acid, nobody's going to use it.
I suggest we move Refresh to allowed, it would help on defensive sets, and brings a bit of a more regenerative aspect to the project.
Growth should be Unallowed. It is a Grass type only move with No exceptions and is barely competitive on CAP6 due to its low SpA, so no one will miss it anyway.

actually illumise can learn growth, but i dont think growth should be used anyways.

i think mud sport should be allowed. most people wont end up using it but it should be an option. in fact, the only time ever used mud sport for any reason was to laugh when my mantine survived a zapdos' thunderbolt. i laughed alot.
Glare should be Allowed, T-Wave needs to be at least controversial. There are a fair amount of waters that get T-wave, but I'd still prefer a vote. I doubt glare would see much use anyway.
any of them is fine to me, slash featherdance with charm in case someone other than wyverii wins, since it's the same move...torment could be a great option, and none of the others really seems over powering...role play would be a little odd, but could make for some dangerous mind games...
i wouldnt mind torment, disable and mist. it gives the the option as a status supporter as opposed to the tank or sweeper so many people want.
Disable I think is two powerful on stuff as most of its counters can only hit it with one attack, Celebi usually only has Grass Knot, Skarmory Brave Bird, Zapdos Thunderbolt unless it carries HP Grass and so forth. I would support it for unallowed.

Torment should be unallowed for the same reason.
I'm gonna say all of those are fine besides Magic Coat and Mirror Move. they aren't really used too often competitively and with a reason. They're nice options but not top of the line stuff.
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