5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

or just

reset 2-3 times on a given second and see what MTIVRNG it gives
put it in reporter and search for any good frames

you'll get one eventually
I'm sorry to ask, but any idea when RNG Reporter 9.0 comes out? I really appreciate all the work of everyone involved in the project, and I know you're working as fast as you can.
You guys don't bother reading... at all. Patience.

Actually, that's exactly what I read that prompted me to ask the question. If the answer is "patience," then that's fine. It's just that, according to the OP, it seemed like it should've gone up about a week ago.
Hitting your C-Gear seed:
  • Obtain your C-Gear seed from RNG Reporter. Press Seed to Time and find a time to hit for your C-Gear seed with your given MAC Address.
  • Start a two stage delay timer to hit your delay and time.
  • Start the game at the time that will give you the correct seconds\delay when the timer ends.
  • When the game asks you to turn on the C-Gear right at the Continue screen, do NOT say yes. Say no and proceed into the game.
  • Click the C-Gear power button. You will see a Yes\No prompt.
  • When the second timer ends, you should be pressing Yes at this screen.

Wait, I got confused with this dual timer thing. My seed is 01c97f3a for a stationary legendary (Victini, 28/16/26/31/26/31, frame 3); I put the seed on Seed Finder, year 2010, last MAC half BB77F7, and chose 2010/01/01, 14:00:00, delay 1849. How exactly do I hit this seed? First, load the game exactly at 14:00:00, then choose Continue and NOT activate the C-Gear in the Continue screen, then choosing to activate it in-game after "1849 delay" have passed (if it's like 4th Gen, at 60Hz) since I loaded the game, meaning 30.81667 seconds, and finally, quickly pressing A to interact with Victini...?

EDIT -- oh cool I forgot the fucker had a catch rate of 3.
Wait, I got confused with this dual timer thing. My seed is 01c97f3a for a stationary legendary (Victini, 28/16/26/31/26/31, frame 3); I put the seed on Seed Finder, year 2010, last MAC half BB77F7, and chose 2010/01/01, 14:00:00, delay 1849. How exactly do I hit this seed? First, load the game exactly at 14:00:00, then choose Continue and NOT activate the C-Gear in the Continue screen, then choosing to activate it in-game after "1849 delay" have passed (if it's like 4th Gen, at 60Hz) since I loaded the game, meaning 30.81667 seconds, and finally, quickly pressing A to interact with Victini...?

EDIT -- oh cool I forgot the fucker had a catch rate of 3.

You need to use a two-stage timer just like you did with the 4th gen games...at least I hope you did. PikaTimer is a great one to use. You simply put the delay you want to hit in there and do it pretty much just like you did with the 4th gen. You start the Pikatimer at the same time as you start your DS time. Then you start the game/AR at the end of the first timer. Then you turn on the C-Gear (In game) at the exact moment the second timer runs out. For setting up the PikaTimer look for Riski's post on the first page. She does an excellent job explaining what you need to do.
You need to use a two-stage timer just like you did with the 4th gen games...at least I hope you did. PikaTimer is a great one to use. You simply put the delay you want to hit in there and do it pretty much just like you did with the 4th gen. You start the Pikatimer at the same time as you start your DS time. Then you start the game/AR at the end of the first timer. Then you turn on the C-Gear (In game) at the exact moment the second timer runs out. For setting up the PikaTimer look for Riski's post on the first page. She does an excellent job explaining what you need to do.

No, I only used this timer (yeah, lol Emloop; never needed any other one, really) for the 4th Gen games, that's why I've never heard of "two-stage timers". I read Riski's post about PikaTimer and ToastPlusOne's thread with its own timer and... didn't understand much. But that's not really the point (I guess I just have to try again, right?), what I wanted to know is when the date/time and the delay are set, so I could set myself still using Emloop and such.
No, I only used this timer (yeah, lol Emloop; never needed any other one, really) for the 4th Gen games, that's why I've never heard of "two-stage timers". I read Riski's post about PikaTimer and ToastPlusOne's thread with its own timer and... didn't understand much. But that's not really the point (I guess I just have to try again, right?), what I wanted to know is when the date/time and the delay are set, so I could set myself still using Emloop and such.

I didn't have much luck using Emloop or Pikatimer on Gen 5. Both Emloop and Pikatimer gave me results that would often cause my seconds to hop up and down, using the exact same timers each time with the exact same DS start time. By hopping seconds, I mean I found myself on the wrong seconds as shown by a caught pokemon's IVs. Changing my DS starting time did not help at all. I'd just as often find that my seconds had hopped again, back the other direction. I caught several pokemon despite the problem, but it was very frustrating.

ToastPlusOne fixed this problem with ZomgTimer. It has a C-Gear function in the mode section. You should start it with calibration delay of zero. Use whatever target delay your seed requires and the target seconds you want. At the end of the first timer I start my game at the DS start screen/AR screen. At the end of the second timer I say yes to starting the C-gear.

After your first test catch, you will have to adjust your delay based on the results of your catch. I find I usually end up with a calibration of -94 on my DS. Once you have your delay adjusted, you'll discover you are closer to your target delay. It's not hard. Emloop is a two stage timer too. It just doesn't work as well for C-gear.
When I'm using ZomgTimer, what am I supposed to put under target second?
Seed: 01DD8531 MAC address: DB80CC
I'm trying to hit the one on 12/21/10 at 02:05:00 and it has a delay of 1115.
When I'm using ZomgTimer, what am I supposed to put under target second?
Seed: 01DD8531 MAC address: DB80CC
I'm trying to hit the one on 12/21/10 at 02:05:00 and it has a delay of 1115.

You put in whatever you put for the "seconds" in the seed to time window of RNG reporter. In this case it's the seconds portion - zero.
5th generation RNG is confusing me. Riski, are ya going to put up a noob guide to it once non-C-Gear seeds are worked out?

I'm trying to catch Uurugamosu (31/20/31/31/31/31, frame 12) on the seed F914E135 with the MAC address half of 05dc66. Because non-C-Gear seeds haven't been cracked, I cannot RNG for the mon's nature, is that correct? If it is, if I hit my target delay at the right time, will it be the same nature every time I hit it?

Which brings me to hitting the delay. I don't understand how. When do I 'load the game' at the conclusion of the first timer? As I click to confirm that I don't want to start my C-Gear right away (saying "Yes" to saying 'no')? Or right when I click A on Continue?
5th generation RNG is confusing me. Riski, are ya going to put up a noob guide to it once non-C-Gear seeds are worked out?

I'm trying to catch Uurugamosu (31/20/31/31/31/31, frame 12) on the seed F914E135 with the MAC address half of 05dc66. Because non-C-Gear seeds haven't been cracked, I cannot RNG for the mon's nature, is that correct? If it is, if I hit my target delay at the right time, will it be the same nature every time I hit it?

Which brings me to hitting the delay. I don't understand how. When do I 'load the game' at the conclusion of the first timer? As I click to confirm that I don't want to start my C-Gear right away (saying "Yes" to saying 'no')? Or right when I click A on Continue?

I'm sure Riski will put one up when she has the chance. If not, I might.
When you load the game doesn't matter. It's when you turn the C-Gear on. You'll want to do that from inside the game otherwise it's a little inconsistent.

You SR at the end of the first timer and you turn the C-Gear on at the end of th second. That's all there is to it for now.
I'm sure Riski will put one up when she has the chance. If not, I might.
When you load the game doesn't matter. It's when you turn the C-Gear on. You'll want to do that from inside the game otherwise it's a little inconsistent.

You SR at the end of the first timer and you turn the C-Gear on at the end of th second. That's all there is to it for now.

Thanks a bunch. To clarify. SR end of first, C-gear end of second (in-game on the touch screen). But I really want to clarify my advances. To reach frame 12:

1. I start on frame ONE (not 0, like DPPt).
2. Have 5 pokes in party, walk 256 (128 x 2) steps - reaches frame 11.
3. Talk to Urugamosu to advance it by one, and catch.

^All correct?
Thanks a bunch. To clarify. SR end of first, C-gear end of second (in-game on the touch screen). But I really want to clarify my advances. To reach frame 12:

1. I start on frame ONE (not 0, like DPPt).
2. Have 5 pokes in party, walk 256 (128 x 2) steps - reaches frame 11.
3. Talk to Urugamosu to advance it by one, and catch.

^All correct?

Yes. Alternatively, saving advances it by 1.

FYI, to my knowledge, there's no such thing as frame 0..
Yes. Alternatively, saving advances it by 1.

FYI, to my knowledge, there's no such thing as frame 0..

Oh right, saving is +1 too. But I don't need to do that in this case, right? Since talking to it makes me reach 12. Unless you meant save 10 times, which might end up being faster... xD

And if there's no such thing as frame 0... I was taught Pt wrong :P It still works, catching, though.

EDIT: Oh, shoot, wait, I have to save 9 times. I did that calc (Target - initial - starting + 1) and got 9 advances required. :P So I save 9 times and then talk to it.

Also, one more question. Does putting a GBA game into the GBA slot still change my delays from odd to even?
Oh.. then my mistake. Apologies for the misleading info, iFly.

It's no problem, I had asked if it was correct and fully believed so. Plus, it doesn't even matter now. For some odd reason, once I SR at the end of the first timer, I can't manage to click 'Yes' on the C-Gear when your timer says to. >_> I'm searching for a higher delay.

Does anyone have any spreadsheets yet? I'm sure it'd be great if someone set a max frame of 1000 in RNG reporter and had some huge delay range and ran the time finder all day... Or are the spreads MAC-address specific? If so, that stinks.

Is someone working on something like PokeRNG for 5th gen? I'd try and make something like that, but I only know how to code PHP... -.-

I'm just saying this because it's tedious to KEEP looking for spreads for this. I haven't found one yet. Other thing is, I have to go to bed and the Time Finder in RNG Reporter is still running, and I can't find a spread D:<
For C-Gear, just pit your MAC address into RNG reporter, the section where you generate spreads. Put desired IVs and wait till it generates a spread. I would be more specific but I'm on my phone.
To clarify:

C-Gear seeds will have an initial frame of 2, with the lowest frame IVs being 3+.
Non C-Gear seeds have an initial frame of 0, with the lowest frame IVs being 1+.

For the Nature/PID/egg inheritance, that is calculated from the regular initial seed akin to how Pokemon were generated in Generation 3 and 4. With the C-Gear being on, the NPID RNG will advance at a somewhat erratic rate.

Two separate RNGs this generation, one for IVs, and one for Nature/PID(shiny)
Ok I'm new to trying this but what I don't get is how do I use the two stage timer?, I'm using ZomgTimer, and this is what I have so far:

In calibration I put 0
Since I'm looking in a Delay of 2843 I put that on Target Delay
My Date is 2010 11 26 03:27:15 so I put Target Second as 15
My MAC is 24EECB and my Seed is 4827F9F0 by the way

So when I insert that the Timer automatically puts 27:61 sec for the first timer
and for the second one 47:xx seconds

My question is, when do I synchronize the Time of my DS so I can reset the game at 03:27:15?
Do I just synchronize with an external watch with 1 min before like 03:26:00 and when the clock hits 03:26:32 secs do I SR and start the First Timer?
Ok I'm new to trying this but what I don't get is how do I use the two stage timer?, I'm using ZomgTimer, and this is what I have so far:

In calibration I put 0
Since I'm looking in a Delay of 2843 I put that on Target Delay
My Date is 2010 11 26 03:27:15 so I put Target Second as 15
My MAC is 24EECB and my Seed is 4827F9F0 by the way

So when I insert that the Timer automatically puts 27:61 sec for the first timer
and for the second one 47:xx seconds

My question is, when do I synchronize the Time of my DS so I can reset the game at 03:27:15?
Do I just synchronize with an external watch with 1 min before like 03:26:00 and when the clock hits 03:26:32 secs do I SR and start the First Timer?

No need for an external watch. This is a lot like 4th gen. Set your clock to 3:26 and hit A at the same time you start the timer. You have to SR at the end of the first timer and turn the C-Gear on at the end of the second.