Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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I noticed a bug with the move fling. Bulbapedia states that Black Glasses, Dread Plate, Muscle Band, and Choice Band boost the power of Fling. Expert Belt boosts the power of Fling if the attack is super effective. Life Orb boosts the power of Fling but does not reduce the user's HP. On Showdown however, fling is apparently not boosted by these items. Here is a replay of me using fling on a doublade. The move should've done 80% minimum to doublade, but it looks like Showdown doesn't have it down right as the move only did 73%.


The Damage it should be doing.
+4 252 Atk Dread Plate Hawlucha Fling (90 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Doublade: 260-308 (80.9 - 95.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
(260, 264, 266, 270, 274, 276, 280, 282, 286, 288, 292, 294, 298, 300, 304, 308)

Damage it is actually doing since fling is not boosted by the plate.
+4 252 Atk Draco Plate Hawlucha Fling (90 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Doublade: 218-258 (67.9 - 80.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
(218, 220, 224, 226, 228, 232, 234, 236, 238, 242, 244, 246, 250, 252, 254, 258)

Please fix if it is indeed a bug. It might seem insignificant, but it would be pretty cool for it to work properly. Thank you.
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As seen in the screenshot above, OR/AS Tutor moves on Power Construct Zygarde is considered illegal by Pokemon Showdown, however, I found out not too long ago, that it is actually legal for Zygarde to have both OR/AS Tutor moves and Power Construct.
A Zygarde that is caught in X/Y can be transferred to OR/AS and then learn the moves it wants to learn there, and then it can be transferred to S/M. Of course the Zygarde will have Aura Break when it is first transferred, but it is possible to change the ability of Zygarde from Aura Break to Power Construct once transferred. If you have collected all 100 Cells and have 50 or more usable cells in the Zygarde cube, you can assemble a Zygarde from the one with OR/AS Tutor moves and the 50 cells from the Cube to upgrade the Zygarde to a Power Construct one, where it'll keep its moveset, nature, IVs, etc.

I know Battle spot isn't exactly the most trustworthy place to show what's legal and not, but here's a battle with a Power Construct Zygarde that knows iron tail on a Battle Spot Free Battle anyway: VSPW-WWWW-WWW8-7MA5

So what does this mean for Zygarde's compatibility with OR/AS Tutor moves as a whole? Well here's an overview:
Zygarde 50% Aura Break: Legal with OR/AS tutor moves and TMs
Zygarde 50% Power Construct: Legal with OR/AS tutor moves and TMs
Zygarde 10% Aura Break: Not legal with OR/AS exclusive Tutors and TMs, only what it gets in Sun/Moon.
Zygarde 10% Power Construct: Legal with OR/AS tutor moves and TMs

Note: Zygarde 10% Aura Break is not legal with OR/AS Tutor and TMs, because unless you upgrade it to Power Construct, you can only upgrade a Zygarde 10% with to the 50% form, not the other way around. Zygarde 10% with Power Construct is legal with Tutor moves, because the Zygarde Cube allows you to switch between the 50% and 10% form of a Power Construct Zygarde at will, outside battles.

Edit: I've seen something similar posts about Zygarde and Tutor moves before, but I'm not sure if they made this clear. Also, I forgot to mention that it's impossible to change a Zygarde with Power Construct back to Aura Break, so that's not a method that could be used to get a Zygarde 10% with OR/AS Tutor moves.
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1v1 Match. I was facing off against a Aegislash using a Donphan. I knew he'd King's Shield turn one so i went for a move that wouldn't work. Counter, since he wasn't gonna hit me with a physical move and counter doesn't work on ghosts anyway. As predicted, he went for Kings Shield, but instead of failing like it should have, Counter hit anyway and caused me to lose attack. A mod suggested it's because Counter hits with a BP of 1 when i'm not hit, but that can't be the case because it's supposed to fail. I recreated the bug with a friend, here's the replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen71v1-567222143
1v1 Match. I was facing off against a Aegislash using a Donphan. I knew he'd King's Shield turn one so i went for a move that wouldn't work. Counter, since he wasn't gonna hit me with a physical move and counter doesn't work on ghosts anyway. As predicted, he went for Kings Shield, but instead of failing like it should have, Counter hit anyway and caused me to lose attack. A mod suggested it's because Counter hits with a BP of 1 when i'm not hit, but that can't be the case because it's supposed to fail. I recreated the bug with a friend, here's the replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen71v1-567222143
King's Shield changed in gen 7 so that now it will still trigger the attack drops even if the move making contact wouldn't normally affect the user.
King's Shield changed in gen 7 so that now it will still trigger the attack drops even if the move making contact wouldn't normally affect the user.

The thing is... shouldn't Counter have failed? Donphan didn't take physical damage that turn.

What happens on cart?
The thing is... shouldn't Counter have failed? Donphan didn't take physical damage that turn.

What happens on cart?
Yeah, you're right, that was my mistake. This probably does need testing.

In other news, there appears to be a client-side bug with trying to use Normalium Z with Struggle when all a Pokemon's PP has been depleted:

Also Pokestar Smeargle still doesn't have a back sprite
Here's a bug:
In random battle:
Illumise [Prankster, with leftovers] was unaffected by Intimidate by Mega Manectric... There is no reason why Illumise was unaffected by this ability, there should have been a stat drop. I cannot upload the screenshot as it too large, but please contact me for more information on this.
Here's a bug:
In random battle:
Illumise [Prankster, with leftovers] was unaffected by Intimidate by Mega Manectric... There is no reason why Illumise was unaffected by this ability, there should have been a stat drop. I cannot upload the screenshot as it too large, but please contact me for more information on this.
If it was behind a Substitute, it wouldn't be affected by Intimidate.
Here's a bug:
In random battle:
Illumise [Prankster, with leftovers] was unaffected by Intimidate by Mega Manectric... There is no reason why Illumise was unaffected by this ability, there should have been a stat drop. I cannot upload the screenshot as it too large, but please contact me for more information on this.
Was it behind a Substitute? It would've helped everyone, yourself included, if you had included a replay.
There might have been a bug in Pokemon showdown's replication of rough skin.
It is common knowledge that if you have 2 Pokemon, one with rough skin and the other attacking, and they both faint when the attackers attacks, the attacker should faint first.
Bulbapedia agrees, although it's not the most reliable source.
I remember seeing a video of this happening in WiFi battles on console, but i don't have that replay with me.

But , in Showdown, it appears that this is not what happens. it seems that the attacker wins.
Replay in Question, which happened during a catch and evolve tournament:
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-568092086 (turn 9)
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There might have been a bug in Pokemon showdown's replication of rough skin.
It is common knowledge that if you have 2 Pokemon, one with rough skin and the other attacking, and they both faint when the attackers attacks, the attacker should faint first.
Bulbapedia agrees, although it's not the most reliable source.
I remember seeing a video of this happening in WiFi battles on console, but i don't have that replay with me.

But , in Showdown, it appears that this is not what happens. it seems that the attacker wins.
Replay in Question, which happened during a catch and evolve tournament:
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-568092086 (turn 9)
The mechanic you refer to used to be the case, but was changed in gen 7 alongside Innards Out and Rocky Helmet. The attacker now wins.
not sure if this is the right place to post.
I use Opera as my only browser. Pokemoshowdown works fine except that when I hit "teambuilder" or go to play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder my browser restarts everytime. Yesterday was everything fine, I made a team and battled and today I can battle, chat everything except for teambuilder.
The Laser Focus volatile didn't disappear when it should: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7hackmonscup-568172525

On this matter, I wanted to see this replay and check what happened and I got a Javascript error, preventing me to load the replay (or any other replay I picked, for that matter):

File not found: http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/js/lib/lodash.compat.js

TypeError: Cannot read property 'extend' of undefined

Happened in both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
Replays aren't functioning right now... The page loads, but there is just a button in the middle with 'Loading' written on it rather than the replay/play button. Problem occurs on both laptop and mobile
Replays aren't functioning right now... The page loads, but there is just a button in the middle with 'Loading' written on it rather than the replay/play button. Problem occurs on both laptop and mobile

Its a known issue, were working on it.
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EVs copy-pasted from Smogon will disappear when text edit is exited on mobile.
HP EVs (apparently on Groudon more than anything) disappear when text edit is exited on mobile.
There's a bug with Ditto (and other transformed Pokemon) with Z-Moves that are exclusive to certain users. Notably, they can't use them. I can't exactly provide a replay of a checkbox not appearing, but I can provide a replay in-game of Ditto being able to use them. See Ditto using Guardian of Alola:

In the getZMove function on line 775 (edit: and in the canZMove function on line 818) of Pokemon-Showdown/data/scripts.js, the script should also check to see if zMoveUser includes the active Pokemon's transformation. I believe that would be
if (item.zMoveUser && !(item.zMoveUser.includes(pokemon.species) or item.zMoveUser.includes(pokemon.volatiles.formechange[2]))) return;
but I'm not sure so I didn't want to put out an invalid pull request.
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There's a bug with Ditto (and other transformed Pokemon) with Z-Moves that are exclusive to certain users. Notably, they can't use them. I can't exactly provide a replay of a checkbox not appearing, but I can provide a replay in-game of Ditto being able to use them.

In the getZMove function on line 775 (edit: and in the canZMove function on line 818) of Pokemon-Showdown/data/scripts.js, the script should also check to see if zMoveUser includes the active Pokemon's transformation. I believe that would be
if (item.zMoveUser && !(item.zMoveUser.includes(pokemon.species) or item.zMoveUser.includes(pokemon.volatiles.formechange[2]))) return;
but I'm not sure so I didn't want to put out an invalid pull request.
It should probably be just changing from pokemon.species or pokemon.baseTemplate.species to pokemon.template.species (unless ditto impostering cap Pikachu can use Catastropika, in which case it should be pokemon.template.baseSpecies).
I don't know if all the posts have to be battle related but I thought I'd post this: When in a tournament and have the ability to challenge or accept a battle, your chosen team is displayed. If you create a new team in teambuilder during this time your team selected will visually appear the same but actually swaps with the team listed above the chosen team in teambuilder until you exit it. For example if I selected Untitled 5 for a tournament and start a new team in teambuilder, the Untitled 5 team will still appear but has actually set to Untitled 6. The Untitled 6 team would appear instead if I exit teambuilder. Hope this helps!
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