League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

The Rules: Randomly select two champions from the below list. Then write a story detailing a relationship developing between the two champions. It's usually a quick one-night stand or such, but short stories can carry a lot of emotional weight if written to do so. Most importantly, have fun writing the story! They don't have to be romantic relationships, maybe Olaf develops a protective streak over Annie despite the burnt off beard hairs.


EVERYONES doing it!!

fizz/ryze slashfic here we go
Wukong free week is going to be painful. Free week Wukongs don't know how to ult properly, and that can mean the difference between a win and a loss during teamfights. It's an AoE CC that can proc multiple times, don't waste it to duel people you can get away from or use it after members of your team have died already.
Vayne would be free week after I just bought her because of double IP boost. Oh well, I know which lane to go now when I jungle for free kills.
So I've been looking at lol for a little while now, and I would like to ask you of your opinion on one champion in particular.

Would you think that saving up for Kog'maw would be a good idea? He seems like a versatile fighter that would be fun to use.
he is on free week right now so I would suggest getting some games in with him if you have lol installed to get a feel of kog and how he plays. This makes sure you dont waste ip on champs you dont like, esp with 6300 champions like kog.
kog needs a team built to protect him. He has no escapes, so if you get caught, you might as well turn around and auto attack. His lategame is probably the most devastating apart from karthus though.
i'm sure vayne could tell you just how fun kog'maw is to play with

Kog is currently the best AD carry in the game and a fantastic AP carry on poke teams, I highly recommend that you pick him up.
Kog is currently the best AD carry in the game and a fantastic AP carry on poke teams, I highly recommend that you pick him up.

Ap kog did just get nerfed though, also that new champ looks fun, lastly wow I cant believe I waited this long to buy skarner. Most tanky champs that can do a lot of damage are amazing in solo queue, nasus, vlad ryze etc
Draven looks to be incredibly fun as well as incredibly difficult to master, I would work on more simplistic characters to get a better grip on things before moving on to something as advanced as that.

His mechanics are something incredibly micro intensive, I'll go ahead and give him the "Highest skill cap" award.
Most tanky champs that can do a lot of damage are amazing in solo queue, nasus, vlad ryze etc

just thought i'd pop in to say that i played nasus for a long time as he was my first champ, and he is terrible in blind pick because you can get completely counterpicked without even knowing it. i also imagine he'd be bad in solo ranked because you can't really carry your team with him unless you get a good lane and play it well. he's especially bad at low levels where other people will be trying to take your farm
Well, when you say something "can't be stopped" I would hope that it would include counters that don't happen to be the go to standard for the meta.

Nasus needs a lil' buff in my opinion.