Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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http://prnt.sc/dlv7ac (in case something happens to the replay which i dont believe.)

Report: So i was playing some MNM, and my opponent on Turn 8 mega evolved Lucario and in the same time used Focus Punch. After that i OHKOed it with Drain Punch and then i could choose a move, despite no Pokemon being on the other side. Drain Punch attacked and said it failed and then Turn 9 started. This thing didn't really matter, but just found it so i decided to report it. Anyways thanks.
Hello, I found a bug in the VGC 2017 simulator. When I use fairy z on aromatic mist it won't work. I tried like 5 times in different battles. I believe a glitch?
There's a glaring mechanical error with Instruct - the target is not random when using instruct on a single-target move. So unless the first mon gets knocked out, the Instructed move would hit the same mon twice. This can affect the outcome of doubles/vgc match; is it possibly to have it fixed before blarajan's major OVGC tournament starts?

Instruct in Showdown!

Instruct in reality @ 13:00

The Immortal

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Unfortunately, I lost the replay, but a Normalize Pokemon switched into Core Enforcer and was then still able to give one of my Pokemon Normalize via Entrainment. It went like this:

Turn 1:

Opponent switched in Gengar-Mega!
My Zygarde-Complete used Core Enforcer!

Turn 2:

Gengar-Mega used Entrainment! Zygarde-Complete obtained Normalize!
Zygarde-Complete used U-turn! It doesn't affect the opposing Gengar-Mega...
You couldn't see the effect because of the rain, but Grassy Terrain was active because you switched Tapu Bulu in, which was healing Kartana for as much as Burn was doing. Remember, Burn was changed in Gen 7 to only inflict damage equal to 1/16 of the Pokémon's max HP instead of 1/8 like it used to.

Edit: wish I'd remembered to do this originally so it'd send an alert, rip
Unfortunately, I lost the replay, but a Normalize Pokemon switched into Core Enforcer and was then still able to give one of my Pokemon Normalize via Entrainment. It went like this:

Turn 1:

Opponent switched in Gengar-Mega!
My Zygarde-Complete used Core Enforcer!

Turn 2:

Gengar-Mega used Entrainment! Zygarde-Complete obtained Normalize!
Zygarde-Complete used U-turn! It doesn't affect the opposing Gengar-Mega...
Are you sure this is a bug? To my knowledge, Core Enforcer and Gastro Acid don't actually remove the ability entirely, just nullify it. I'll try and test this in the morning if no one else has.
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Gen 6 Little Cup has been running into a few issues as of late. On turn 7, itemless Gothita uses Trick on an Eviolite Woobat, but the result is a failed move. To my knowledge, this is not supposed to happen since as long as the opposing pokemon has an item the move can occur. The damage output on Woobat in-battle was also consistent with Eviolite (and Burakoru confirmed the item).

This should be fixed soon if not already.
The replay also includes the berry juice glitch on turn 17. Not trying to rush you, just letting you know in case you thought it had been already solved!

Gen 6 Little Cup has been running into a few issues as of late. On turn 7, itemless Gothita uses Trick on an Eviolite Woobat, but the result is a failed move. To my knowledge, this is not supposed to happen since as long as the opposing pokemon has an item the move can occur. The damage output on Woobat in-battle was also consistent with Eviolite (and Burakoru confirmed the item).

The replay also includes the berry juice glitch on turn 17. Not trying to rush you, just letting you know in case you thought it had been already solved!
The user of trick is the one that has to have the item. If the trick user has none, trick fails.
Copy/paste from the "Ask A Simple Question" because it was never answered, and likely belongs in this thread as well.

I really like Smogon's damage calculator app and its very helpful. I was wondering when we could expect any Gen7 updates to it? Gen7 analyses are obviously not all written and accounted for, so I'm more concerned about things like damage calculation for the Water Bubble ability, Grassy/Electric/Psychic/Misty terrain in One-vs-All/All-vs-One, Zygarde's Thousand Arrows not affecting Flying-types or Levitate users when it should, Leech Life not in the list of moves, and also glitches like the KO chance and damage % not sorting properly (i.e. it will sort a 11% damage attack in the middle of a group of 110% damage attacks, as if its counting the 11% damage attack as a 110% attack).

Also I definitely think there should be a column that will state whether a Pokemon in All-vs-One/One-vs-All will outspeed the one whose stats you're calculating, as well as being able to sort two columns at once, i.e. sort first by "best move" and then simultaneously sort by KO chance. I also think there should be an option to hide selected results, like if I'm seeing builds of a Pokemon that can outspeed and OHKO me in the results, and I might as well hide them or send their results to the bottom so they don't clutter up the list of Pokemon I CAN handle.

Are any of these possible and implementable? If so, when do you think we could expect such an addition?
The Stomping Tantrum boost mechanic seems to be glitching. It's supposed to double in base power from 75 to 150 if the previous move fails, but it seems to remain unchanged currently.
Quote from Bulbapedia: "If the user's previous move has failed, Stomping Tantrum's power is doubled to 150."
Quote from the games: "If the user's previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles."

In my battle, I used Protect with my Marowak until it failed, and followed immediately with Stomping Tantrum onto the opponent's Turtonator. It did 67%, where it should have done at least 93%. I checked the damage on the damage calculator to verify, and it showed this:
"252+ Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Stomping Tantrum vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Turtonator: 302-356 (93.2 - 109.8%)"
With my Marowak's spread, Stomping Tantrum would have done at least 93% to a max HP max Defense Bold Turtonator.
Link to replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-502912482 (Turn 3)

I just wanted to bring attention to this issue, and I hope it will be resolved.

Also, in the games, Ash-Greninja will transform before it takes Life Orb recoil, but that isn't as important as the Stomping Tantrum issue.


  • tantrum.PNG
    17.7 KB · Views: 432
The Stomping Tantrum boost mechanic seems to be glitching. It's supposed to double in base power from 75 to 150 if the previous move fails, but it seems to remain unchanged currently.
Quote from Bulbapedia: "If the user's previous move has failed, Stomping Tantrum's power is doubled to 150."
Quote from the games: "If the user's previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles."

In my battle, I used Protect with my Marowak until it failed, and followed immediately with Stomping Tantrum onto the opponent's Turtonator. It did 67%, where it should have done at least 93%. I checked the damage on the damage calculator to verify, and it showed this:
"252+ Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Stomping Tantrum vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Turtonator: 302-356 (93.2 - 109.8%)"
With my Marowak's spread, Stomping Tantrum would have done at least 93% to a max HP max Defense Bold Turtonator.
Link to replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-502912482 (Turn 3)

I just wanted to bring attention to this issue, and I hope it will be resolved.

Also, in the games, Ash-Greninja will transform before it takes Life Orb recoil, but that isn't as important as the Stomping Tantrum issue.


Launching a move into protect does not double Stomping Tantrum's power next turn.

Misread, sorry.
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The Stomping Tantrum boost mechanic seems to be glitching. It's supposed to double in base power from 75 to 150 if the previous move fails, but it seems to remain unchanged currently.
Quote from Bulbapedia: "If the user's previous move has failed, Stomping Tantrum's power is doubled to 150."
Quote from the games: "If the user's previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles."

In my battle, I used Protect with my Marowak until it failed, and followed immediately with Stomping Tantrum onto the opponent's Turtonator. It did 67%, where it should have done at least 93%. I checked the damage on the damage calculator to verify, and it showed this:
"252+ Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Stomping Tantrum vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Turtonator: 302-356 (93.2 - 109.8%)"
With my Marowak's spread, Stomping Tantrum would have done at least 93% to a max HP max Defense Bold Turtonator.
Link to replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-502912482 (Turn 3)

I just wanted to bring attention to this issue, and I hope it will be resolved.

Also, in the games, Ash-Greninja will transform before it takes Life Orb recoil, but that isn't as important as the Stomping Tantrum issue.
To quote the answer from last time:
As yet, we don't know what that means in-game, and until we do, we can't copy it!
Unfortunately, I lost the replay, but a Normalize Pokemon switched into Core Enforcer and was then still able to give one of my Pokemon Normalize via Entrainment. It went like this:

Turn 1:

Opponent switched in Gengar-Mega!
My Zygarde-Complete used Core Enforcer!

Turn 2:

Gengar-Mega used Entrainment! Zygarde-Complete obtained Normalize!
Zygarde-Complete used U-turn! It doesn't affect the opposing Gengar-Mega...

From Bulbapedia: "If the target has already used a move in the same turn, its Ability will be negated when it is hit by Core Enforcer."
So the target has to use a move first.
From Bulbapedia: "If the target has already used a move in the same turn, its Ability will be negated when it is hit by Core Enforcer."
So the target has to use a move first.

I'm not sure this is correct. I was under the impression it worked like Analytic. And if you are right, then there's still a bug in that the simulator is saying that the ability was nullified on a switch.

edit: Actually, I think I understand. The ability's effects are nullified, but it still exists, so maybe being able to Entrainment is in fact correct behavior. My bad
Copy/paste from the "Ask A Simple Question" because it was never answered, and likely belongs in this thread as well.

I really like Smogon's damage calculator app and its very helpful. I was wondering when we could expect any Gen7 updates to it? Gen7 analyses are obviously not all written and accounted for, so I'm more concerned about things like damage calculation for the Water Bubble ability, Grassy/Electric/Psychic/Misty terrain in One-vs-All/All-vs-One, Zygarde's Thousand Arrows not affecting Flying-types or Levitate users when it should, Leech Life not in the list of moves, and also glitches like the KO chance and damage % not sorting properly (i.e. it will sort a 11% damage attack in the middle of a group of 110% damage attacks, as if its counting the 11% damage attack as a 110% attack).

Also I definitely think there should be a column that will state whether a Pokemon in All-vs-One/One-vs-All will outspeed the one whose stats you're calculating, as well as being able to sort two columns at once, i.e. sort first by "best move" and then simultaneously sort by KO chance. I also think there should be an option to hide selected results, like if I'm seeing builds of a Pokemon that can outspeed and OHKO me in the results, and I might as well hide them or send their results to the bottom so they don't clutter up the list of Pokemon I CAN handle.

Are any of these possible and implementable? If so, when do you think we could expect such an addition?
Some of these are already implemented.
0 SpA Incineroar Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Araquanid: 78-93 (28.1 - 33.5%) -- 0.1% chance to 3HKO
0 SpA Incineroar Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Water Bubble Araquanid: 40-48 (14.4 - 17.3%) -- possible 6HKO

0 Atk Zygarde Thousand Arrows vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Skarmory: 73-87 (21.8 - 26%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery

Until Leech Life (as well as Lunge) is added to the viable move list, you can use X-Scissor, which has the same type/power. In general, if a move isnt implemented, you can choose one with the same type/physical-or-special status and just manually edit the base power.

Unrelatedly, there's a possible bug with Z-Curse, where the option is not given to target an opponent. Not sure if this is intended mechanic.
When I finish battles, it says "Ladder updating..." but never shows the Elo, so I can never tell if it's actually updating. I'm consistently experiencing this problem on both the Gen 7 Random Battle ladder and the Gen 7 Pokebank OU ladder. I am using Chrome on my iPad, if that makes a difference.
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