Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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I'm not entirely sure if this would classify under "connection errors", but I can't post any messages from my main account after the servers went down today.

I keep getting a message saying that I'm typing too fast and that my message was not sent because of that. This is on PS, by the way.

PS! Username: LufiaGuy2000 (using "SinisterStrike" until I can access posts from my main account again.)
When you're trying to search for pokemon with certain moves smeargle will not show up.
This bug is not about any battle things but with the search.
I looked and you can look up Own Tempo which is one of smeargle's ability.


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When you're trying to search for pokemon with certain moves smeargle will not show up.
This bug is not about any battle things but with the search.
I looked and you can look up Own Tempo which is one of smeargle's ability.

IIRC it's intentional - after all, Smeargle can only learn Sketch, even if Sketch allows it to learn other moves.
But if you're looking up if any pokemon know geomancy and baton pass then you come up with nothing.
I get what saying but its just a small thing that might make things easier.


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Rock Climb is an option for Meganium in the teambuilder, even though it says it is illegal when entering a battle - no "not compatible" errors, just that it is not a move Meganium can learn.
Rock Climb is an option for Meganium in the teambuilder, even though it says it is illegal when entering a battle - no "not compatible" errors, just that it is not a move Meganium can learn.

Meganium can only learn Rock Climb in Gen 4, and cannot be transferred up from those games, so it is literally not a move Gen 5 or 6 Meganium can learn - there is no way for rock climb and Meganium to be compatible in those generations. This is the case for multiple pokemon, including things like Nidoking.

Either an error message that states Rock Climb is only legal in Gen 4 on this pokemon or handling it like Lovely Kiss Nidoking (the move is displayed in the Gen 2 teambuilder, not Gen 3+) would probably be the best way to alter it if it needs to be changed.
Using PS dex command, Azelf is classified as OU, while it's UU. I don't know if there aren't other cases like this.
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I think this may be a rather recent one, but the opponents name doesn't view on the phone version of PS.
Hey all, so there's something that've been bothering me for a while now, i just saw it again a sec ago : WHY the hell does fairy type have so much bugs w/ its weaknesses ? I mean resistances and immunities work fine, but for weaknesses i just battled a guy w/ a Sylveon that tanked up a full power Eruption from my Typhlosion... I mean ok this fairy is a beefy special tank, and it boosted w/ CM, but still the "Super-effective" title didn't even shown up, and correct me if i'm wrong but even w/ a idk we'll say 800 SpD, taking a full SpA Eruption from a Typhlosion should hurt a bit no ? This one took like 20% or less damage... I'm so confused w/ this plz help
Hey all, so there's something that've been bothering me for a while now, i just saw it again a sec ago : WHY the hell does fairy type have so much bugs w/ its weaknesses ? I mean resistances and immunities work fine, but for weaknesses i just battled a guy w/ a Sylveon that tanked up a full power Eruption from my Typhlosion... I mean ok this fairy is a beefy special tank, and it boosted w/ CM, but still the "Super-effective" title didn't even shown up, and correct me if i'm wrong but even w/ a idk we'll say 800 SpD, taking a full SpA Eruption from a Typhlosion should hurt a bit no ? This one took like 20% or less damage... I'm so confused w/ this plz help
Fire isn't super-effective against Fairy. A little research could have shown you that. (sorry if this came across as passive-aggressive I just really can't stand people saying things that say things without knowing what they're talking about)
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This is a really insignificant visual bug, but in the teambuilder when you click "move" in order to change the order of the pokemon in your team, the sprites that show up seem to have a bit of another pokemon's sprite showing next to them. I believe it's the next pokemon in index number order. For example, Probopass is #476 and in the screenshot below, you can see a bit of what I think is Dusknoir's sprite (Dusknoir is #477). Another example is Vibrava in the same screenshot, because I'm pretty sure that's a bit of Flygon's sprite showing next to it. I've tried it with multiple teams and pokemon and that pattern seems to be consistent. I'm using Google Chrome and I've disabled any applicable add-ons.

EDIT: I just noticed it's happening in replays too. In the following screenshot, in my opponent's team you can see a bit of Victreebel's sprite next to Weepinbell's mini menu sprite. There's also something next to Bellossom's sprite.
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Possibly just a visual bug, but when a Pokemon using Bide hurts itself in confusion on the turn it would release energy, the Bide status isn't removed, even though it's no longer locked into a move (starting on Turn 19). Also, Bide appeared to target the user when Forretress hurt itself in confusion on only the second turn of Bide (Turn 16).

Edit: I tested it myself (twice) in Omega Ruby, and if a Pokemon hurts itself in confusion on the second turn of Bide, Bide immediately ends, and there is no unleash of energy.
Edit 2: After much trying and failing to submit a pull request to the GitHub, I've decided to just post the code here, since it's a really simple fix.

if (move.id === 'confused') {

Edit 3: Pull request submitted.
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minor bug, when you type "mega" into the teambuilder, Charizard-Mega-X, Charizard-Mega-Y, Mewtwo-Mega-X, and Mewtwo-Mega-Y are duplicated as Mega-Charizard-X, Mega-Charizard-Y, Mega-Mewtwo-X, and Mega-Mewtwo-Y at the bottom of the list.
Hi, so recently room staff have been able to see logs in their public rooms, but I have attempted to use /roomlog in private/hidden rooms i'm staff in and it does not work, it tells me that the command does not exist
Hi, so recently room staff have been able to see logs in their public rooms, but I have attempted to use /roomlog in private/hidden rooms i'm staff in and it does not work, it tells me that the command does not exist
This command is only implemented for public room auth, since it isn't relevant for other users.
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