Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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a glitch regarding the minisprites - if one of the players in a battle has anything less than a full party (i.e 3 pokemon in OU), some of their opponent's minisprites will be replaced by pokeballs, similar to how they work in tiers such as randombattle where there is no team preview.
In turn 8, I switched my Tapu Lele in to overwrite the electric terrain with my psychic terrain, rendering the opposing A-Raichu's Surge Surfer useless - but Raichu somehow outsped my Landorus (which has 252 speed with adamant nature), which should be impossible considering that Tailwind was active on my side.
The turn order is determined before switches happen, it was already determined that Raichu would move before Lando when the switch happened.
This is in regards to the OMotM, Tier Shift.

The stats of certain Pokemon are being altered incorrectly. Ninetales, for instance, is PU so it should receive a boost of 40 in each stat, but in practice it has only been tagging 20 onto each stat.

Not a huge issue, but something I felt should be reported.
This is in regards to the OMotM, Tier Shift.

The stats of certain Pokemon are being altered incorrectly. Ninetales, for instance, is PU so it should receive a boost of 40 in each stat, but in practice it has only been tagging 20 onto each stat.

Not a huge issue, but something I felt should be reported.
Read the post by Semako in regards to this

Whenever I try to send out a mon, that message appears.

"[Invalid choice] Can't choose for Team Preview: You do not have a Pokémon in slot NaN"

I tried sending out all mons and everything.

Thus, the little visual bug on the pokemon list below my avatar.
Other than normal type, any type of Arceus and Silvally have a bug where Judgement is listed as 120 bp and Multi-Attack as 90 bp, rather than 170 (1.5x from STAB, 1.2 from plate) and 135 (1.5x from STAB) following the new update. I believe the damage calculates properly, but the visual damage is listed incorrectly.


Bumping; I've also encountered this issue.
Edit: the post seems to have attached the image twice, through URL and file upload.


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Turn 8, my opponent's Kingdra outsped my Zard-Y as I mega-evolved. Is this a bug, or is it how the mechanics of changing the weather are supposed to work?
This is no bug, as the turn order is determined before weather changes - and because rain was active at the start of the turn and when Charizard mega-evolved (which would re-arrange the turn order in case of speed-changig megas), Kingdra was set to move first due to Swift Swim, despite Charozard changing the weather after mega-evolving.
This is no bug, as the turn order is determined before weather changes - and because rain was active at the start of the turn and when Charizard mega-evolved (which would re-arrange the turn order in case of speed-changig megas), Kingdra was set to move first due to Swift Swim, despite Charozard changing the weather after mega-evolving.
In case it's not already clear, only the Pokémon that's mega evolving has its turn order recalculated. For instance, suppose the weather is Rain, but Altaria has Cloud Nine, then Pokémon which already have Swift Swim won't double in speed on the turn that Altaria Mega Evolves, but if Swampert Mega Evolves after Altaria on the same turn then its Swift Swim will take effect. This only really makes a difference for Swampert, Banette, Sableye and Alakazam.
This is unlikely to ever come up practically speaking, but I'm almost positive that it's implemented incorrectly. In Gen 2, Special Defense and Special Attack are only differentiated by the base stat, everything else used to calculate the stat is identical for the two. While the sim does have this for making sure the Special Attack and Special Defense DV must be identical, this is actually also true for stat exp as well. There's no such thing as "SpDef Stat Exp", only special stat exp (determined by opponent's base special attack ingame).

On the sim it's currently possible to set the EV slider for Special Defense to a value different than that of Special Attack and vice versa, as well as use it in a battle. Since special attack and special defense have to share stat exp this shouldn't be possible.
Paralysis Glitch.
Gen 1 mewtwo was paralized by hypno's thunderwave after a few turns Mewtwo used rest to recover and remove the satuts effect. After the effect was removed mewtwo remained slower than hypno and graveler for the remainder of the battle.
This is the link to the video this happened on turn 17 was when mewtwo was paralyzed and the rest happened on turn 23. The glitch persisted on turn 25 for the remainder of the battle.
Paralysis Glitch.
Gen 1 mewtwo was paralized by hypno's thunderwave after a few turns Mewtwo used rest to recover and remove the satuts effect. After the effect was removed mewtwo remained slower than hypno and graveler for the remainder of the battle.
This is the link to the video this happened on turn 17 was when mewtwo was paralyzed and the rest happened on turn 23. The glitch persisted on turn 25 for the remainder of the battle.

Rest does not remove status condition stat drops until you switch out and back in again in gen 1.
the last pokemon shouldve been seaking, but hitmonlee popped up from nowhere. And I lost because of it.


  • Screenshot 2017-09-26 at 15.09.47.png
    Screenshot 2017-09-26 at 15.09.47.png
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the last pokemon shouldve been seaking, but hitmonlee popped up from nowhere. And I lost because of it.
Your opponent had actually two mons left: Seaking and Hitmonlee. It's a known weird interaction on PS! when you face an opponent with a Zoroark and uses it to make it look like it's another mon (in this case, most probably Garchomp, since we can see your opponent having both a fainted Garchomp and a fainted M-Garchomp).

I don't really know if it's an actual bug or the intended behaviour (my guess is it's the latter, as you're not the first one to post here for the same reason), but I just wanted to say your opponent had in fact two mons left, not one.
Your opponent had actually two mons left: Seaking and Hitmonlee. It's a known weird interaction on PS! when you face an opponent with a Zoroark and uses it to make it look like it's another mon (in this case, most probably Garchomp, since we can see your opponent having both a fainted Garchomp and a fainted M-Garchomp).

I don't really know if it's an actual bug or the intended behaviour (my guess is it's the latter, as you're not the first one to post here for the same reason), but I just wanted to say your opponent had in fact two mons left, not one.
oh you are right. thank you
Your opponent had actually two mons left: Seaking and Hitmonlee. It's a known weird interaction on PS! when you face an opponent with a Zoroark and uses it to make it look like it's another mon (in this case, most probably Garchomp, since we can see your opponent having both a fainted Garchomp and a fainted M-Garchomp).

I don't really know if it's an actual bug or the intended behaviour (my guess is it's the latter, as you're not the first one to post here for the same reason), but I just wanted to say your opponent had in fact two mons left, not one.
Nah, this is a bug, and it's currently being worked on.
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