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Hello everyone, why Flip Turn and Volt Switch can't be used as items in fortemons whereas U-Turn can ? I mean, if it's just a matter of a specific pokémon being too strong because of these moves, then U-Turn should be forbidden too, right ?
does anyone know if it's possible to toggle on/off dynamic speed control via challenge code (for doubles/triples)? I dont see it in the buildformat tool but wasnt sure if it was smth format specific. Thanks
The OP (as well as the other first few posts) needs an update as there is some outdated information on it (shared power’s permaladder and permaladder spotlights for example)
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Ok, is anyone gonna do something about Trademarked? Its currently inactive and no action seems to be taking place.
With so many metagames available, the reality of most rotational OMs is that they lose a lot of activity in between gaining ladders. While they tend to retain a challenge format on PS, things like tiering action and resource updates are unlikely to happen without an active ladder to actually test the credibility of said resources before posting them. So yes, "no action seems to be taking place" because Trademarked is currently in between ladders, and that's perfectly fine.
With so many metagames available, the reality of most rotational OMs is that they lose a lot of activity in between gaining ladders. While they tend to retain a challenge format on PS, things like tiering action and resource updates are unlikely to happen without an active ladder to actually test the credibility of said resources before posting them. So yes, "no action seems to be taking place" because Trademarked is currently in between ladders, and that's perfectly fine.
Well, obviously it's tough to have bans on OMs that aren't either OMotM or LC but there's stuff like Ho-oh, Regigigas, Topsy Turvy (trademark) and Burning Bulwark (as a trademark) that should be simple bans and don't require testing to be banned. Also, it is part of the daily tournament cycle in the OM room so while it doesn't have a ladder, there are still some games taking place every now and then. Bans that require testing are not my concern.
Well, obviously it's tough to have bans on OMs that aren't either OMotM or LC but there's stuff like Ho-oh, Regigigas, Topsy Turvy (trademark) and Burning Bulwark (as a trademark) that should be simple bans and don't require testing to be banned. Also, it is part of the daily tournament cycle in the OM room so while it doesn't have a ladder, there are still some games taking place every now and then. Bans that require testing are not my concern.
I mean, Trademarked is a pretty crazy tier. Perhaps they're looking for a bigger sample size than a small roomtour once a week before getting into voting on those particular things, especially considering that not a single person has actually posted explaining why they believe these elements should be "simple bans". The point you intended to make kind of defeats itself here.
I was reading up on Inverse, having had the idea of a backwards type chart myself. Has anyone played much of this meta? If so, how did you like it? Is it too centralized around the dominate types? I can see why Normal, Ice, Bug, Rock and Grass rule the roost in an inverted type chart.

It’s a neat idea, I’d like to see it explored more with a permanent ladder.
How good are the idea of a Megazordmon (All Generational Gimmick are fused and adapted to play inself and the megas, gigamax and tera are permanet)
Ex: Pikachu-Cap-Z have acces to dinamax permanetly and the gmax in the case of the teambuild have the gmax factor, and he sostain the ampharosite to megaevolve, and have tera to teratalized into flying type, and one time per duel he can use 1000000 volt z move with minus power to balance the signatura z-move with secondary effect with z-move with no secondary effect and all atack have secondary effect of de dina/gigamax form, incluided the secondary effect in this case of a higher chance to critic of 1000000 volt
How good are the idea of a Megazordmon (All Generational Gimmick are fused and adapted to play inself and the megas, gigamax and tera are permanet)
It sounds extremely unbalanced, we avoid approving ideas that aren't likely to go beyond a for fun format, as people will eventually get tired of everything being decided by overpowered strategies that often don't leave much room for player interaction.
Either way, new OM ideas go here:
Read the first post before posting.
Also avoid double posting, edit your messages when there is nothing in between them.
It sounds extremely unbalanced, we avoid approving ideas that aren't likely to go beyond a for fun format, as people will eventually get tired of everything being decided by overpowered strategies that often don't leave much room for player interaction.
Either way, new OM ideas go here:
Read the first post before posting.
Also avoid double posting, edit your messages when there is nothing in between them.
Is easy to balance, is mix and mega but more mechanic (and this format is alrededor unbalanced), only restric the dina/giga atack to the power of the base move, and ban mega Stones and Z-move like beedrilite, medichanite, swamperite with basic water dinamax move kommonium-Z, and to probaid more variety add New 3 custom mega Stones based of sinnoh starter, is form more custom to mega Stones, and add the option in teambuilder to maintance the original ability to not depend of the megas abilities. In the case of you detect more unbalanced combo
  • 350 Cup: If a Pokémon's BST is 350 or lower, all of its stats get doubled.
  • Alphabet Cup: In addition to their normal moveset, all Pokémon get every move with which they share a starting letter.
  • Almost Any Ability: Pokémon in this meta have access to "almost every ability" with the exception of a few that me, the council and the community deem broken or unhealthy for this metagame.
  • Balanced Hackmons: Allows you to use nearly anything possible that you can battle with in a local battle between players, in the most current cartridge.
  • Bonus Type: Pokémon have their Tera Type added onto their current ones.
  • Camomons: Pokémon change their type to match the types of their first two moves in their moveslots. Pokémon with multiple moves of the same type in their first two slots will have only one type.
  • Category Swap: All physical moves are special, and all special moves are physical.
  • Convergence: Pokémon gain access to the moves and abilities of Pokémon that carry the same typing.
  • Cross Evolution: By nicknaming a Pokémon with a valid evolution, you can cross evolve it, granting it the corresponding stat boosts and type changes, full access to the evolution's movepool, as well as replacing its abilities with that of its evolutions.
  • Flipped: All Pokémon have their base stats flipped. (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe --> Spe/SpD/SpA/Def/Atk/HP).
  • Force of the Fallen: When a pokemon faints, all other pokemon that are alive gain the fourth move slot of the pokemon that fainted as an extra move in their moveset.
  • Foresighters: The move in the first moveslot uses the same mechanic as Future Sight.
  • Fortemons: An attack put into the item slot will grant its primary and secondary effects to all of the attacks in the move-slots.
  • Full Potential: A Pokémon's highest calculated stat is now used when calculating their attacks.
  • Frantic Fusions: Pokémon nicknamed after another Pokémon get their stats buffed by 1/4 of that Pokémon's stats, barring HP, and access to their abilities.
  • Foresighters: The first move in your Pokémon's moveset will act as Future Sight.
  • Godly Gift: Each Pokémon receives one base stat from a God (AG/Uber Pokémon) depending on its position in the team. If there is no Uber Pokémon, it uses the Pokémon in the first slot.
  • Inheritance: Any Pokémon in the metagame can "inherit" the moves and ability from a certain Pokémon.
  • Inverse: The type chart is flipped on its head, just like in battles against the guy in the Inverse House in Pokémon X and Y. Super effective attacks become not very effective and vice versa, and immunities become super effective hits.
  • Mix and Mega: Mega evolve any Pokémon with any mega stone and no limit. Boosts based on mega evolution from gen 7.
  • Partners in Crime: This is a doubles-based metagame with the twist that you share your ability and moves with your active partner.
  • Pokébilities: All of a Pokémon's obtainable abilities are active simultaneously.
  • Protean Palace: Every Pokemon gets access to Protean on top of their current ability. Each Pokemon's type changes to the same type as the first move they use while active that does not match their native type.
  • Pure Hackmons: Anything directly hackable onto a set (EVs, IVs, forme, ability, item, and move) and is usable in local battles is allowed.
  • Re-Evolution: Pokémon gain base stats equal to the difference with their previous stage.
  • Revelationmons: The typing of the move in the first slot is changed to the primary typing of the Pokémon.
  • Shared Power: Each time you send out a Pokémon it will share its ability with the rest of its team.
  • Sharing is Caring: Pokemon share item effects with each other.
  • Sketchmons: Pokémon may learn one move normally not available to them.
  • STABmons: Pokémon have access to moves that match their type even if they can't normally learn them.
  • Tera Donation: The first Pokémon you send out to the field Terastylizes immediately. Every other Pokémon in the party gets that Pokémon's Tera type as a Third type.
  • The Card Game: The type chart is simplified based off of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
  • The Loser's Game: The first player to have all 6 of their Pokémon KOed at the same time wins.
  • Tier Shift: Pokémon below OU get their stats, excluding HP, boosted. UU/RUBL get +15, RU/NUBL get +20, NU/PUBL get +25, and PU or lower get +30.
  • Trademarked: Pokémon can put one of their status moves in the ability slot and have it activate upon every* switch in, giving up their ability in the process.
  • VoltTurn Mayhem: Every move that directly affects your opponent behaves like a pivoting move, like Volt Switch, Parting Shot, or U-Turn.
  • none yet!

I just wanted to mention that Foresighters is listed twice
Hey everyone, I'm still working on an OM suggestion, but I would like some advices/opinions about the form and content :
1) Regarding the premise : for those who don't know yet, I'm terribly clumsy when it comes to write premises, as they're not either intelligible or simple enough. For this one, I wanted to work around the concept of bypassing types resistances and immunities.
2) Regarding this concept : a Pokémon should be able to go past the resistances/immunities of types whichever move is used (offensive or status). However, I would like to make this the less hazardous possible, like, up to two types per Pokémon, and these types would be chosen according to a criteria.
3) Regarding this criteria (that's where it becomes off-the-wall) : I have two ideas so far, first is a color code (see RGB colour chart) using base stats as parameters (where Red = [BS1], Green = [BS2] and Blue = [BS3]), the color is then compared to types' ; second is the coverage (for example Iron-Valiant dual type is resisted by Poison-type, so it would ignore Poison-type resistances), but It doesn't seem practical enough.
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Hey everyone, I'm still working on an OM suggestion, but I would like some advices/opinions about the form and content :
1) Regarding the premise : for those who don't know yet, I'm terribly clumsy when it comes to write premises, as they're not either intelligible or simple enough. For this one, I wanted to work around the concept of bypassing types resistances and immunities.
2) Regarding this concept : a Pokémon should be able to go past the resistances/immunities of types whichever move is used (offensive or status). However, I would like to make this the less hazardous possible, like, up to two types per Pokémon, and these types would be chosen according to a criteria.
3) Regarding this criteria (that's where it becomes off-the-wall) : I have two ideas so far, first is a color code (see RGB colour chart) using base stats as parameters (where Red = [BS1], Green = [BS2] and Blue = [BS3]), the color is then compared to types' ; second is the coverage (for example Iron-Valiant dual type is resisted by Poison-type, so it would ignore Poison-type resistances), but It doesn't seem practical enough.

I just submitted my own OM suggestion, so I've read all the rules and can maybe help.

I think your idea is not specific enough right now. It should be a clear concept so make sure that when you post the suggestion you worked out which ideas you want to go for and come up with a clear premise.

The idea isn't really clear to me how you've written it down right now. The first criteria seems to suggest for example all blue Pokemon will be able to get hit with electric type attacks regardless of typing. The second one seems to me like just a way to completely get rid of resistances and immunities, or am I understanding this wrong?
The first criteria seems to suggest for example all blue Pokemon will be able to get hit with electric type attacks regardless of typing. The second one seems to me like just a way to completely get rid of resistances and immunities, or am I understanding this wrong?
Types have colors (see on this link : So, my first idea was that, when you gather base stats to make a color code, then look in a color converter (, you find the type(s) for which a Pokémon ignore resistances/immunities. Here is an example : let's say we take HP, Att and Def of Azumarill (100,50,80) and use the stats as color values where Red value = 100, Green = 50, and Blue = 80. If you look in the converter, you should get #643240 which is close to Fairy Type. So, Azumarill would ignore Fairy-type resistances and immunities. I hope it became clearer for this part, I don't know if it should be mentionned in a OM suggestion. Of course, I would provide for each Pokémon the types they'll ignore in a table so that Smogon dev don't have to make any calculation.

To sum up my idea of metagame : Pokémon use their base stats as color codes to return types for which they'll ignore resistances/immunities. Yet, it's hard to figure out a good way to display it, that's why I'm looking for advices in the writing.
Types have colors (see on this link : So, my first idea was that, when you gather base stats to make a color code, then look in a color converter (, you find the type(s) for which a Pokémon ignore resistances/immunities. Here is an example : let's say we take HP, Att and Def of Azumarill (100,50,80) and use the stats as color values where Red value = 100, Green = 50, and Blue = 80. If you look in the converter, you should get #643240 which is close to Fairy Type. So, Azumarill would ignore Fairy-type resistances and immunities. I hope it became clearer for this part, I don't know if it should be mentionned in a OM suggestion. Of course, I would provide for each Pokémon the types they'll ignore in a table so that Smogon dev don't have to make any calculation.

To sum up my idea of metagame : Pokémon use their base stats as color codes to return types for which they'll ignore resistances/immunities. Yet, it's hard to figure out a good way to display it, that's why I'm looking for advices in the writing.
This would be too complicated for random ladder players to understand.
Is not something you can easily figure out while playing.
This would be too complicated for random ladder players to understand.
Is not something you can easily figure out while playing.
uh, they can see the rules on smogon for further explanations anytime, but by default I would :
1) show the types on screen
2) add a clause like : "the types' a pokémon ignore are displayed"
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