BH Balanced Hackmons Suspects and Bans Thread

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E4 Flint can I make a request that we please speed up the suspect process? This metagame has been (imo) almost unplayably broken since the start of the gen, more than a month ago, and we're only just now having our first suspect test. Almost everyone I've spoken to about this agrees that there are a bunch of things (Water Bubble, Psychic Surge, Comaphaze, Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, Mega Rayquaza, maybe Dazzling/Queenly Majesty, -ate if priority blockers go) that should be suspected before the metagame can be considered to have reached a balanced state. If we continue to suspect one thing at a time with a 3 week long suspect process, it'll be months before the metagame is anywhere near balanced, and that's a best case scenario. I don't want to have to deal with that and I know pretty much nobody else does either, and I know people are going to get sick of suspect laddering if you make them get reqs again every single time. We don't need any more testing to know that shit like Water Bubble is unhealthy for the metagame. Especially considering that OMGS is coming up soonish and BH will be a part of that, the metagame should be in at least a servicable state by then.

Either allow us to vote on multiple things this suspect test, or appoint a council and start quickbanning things please xoxo
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Oceanettic Opporetta. Water isn't a super amazing type, and it doesn't really let anything bypass answers since it hits nothing viable SE (except Primal Groudon but desoland is a legit option without it and surf would OHKO otherwise too). For reference:
252 SpA Life Orb Mewtwo-Mega-Y Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Registeel: 203-239 (55.7 - 65.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
While it seems more promising on KYogre, it doesn't even really let it bypass Chansey, much less specially defensive water resists like Giratina: 252+ SpA Kyogre-Primal Oceanic Operetta vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 343-405 (53.4 - 63%) -- guaranteed 2HKO, after which even water spout has only a chance to finish it off.

Actually oceanic Operetta combined with water bubble makes a speedy water type like Greninja-Ash be able to blow past anything that could actually take its moves. This would necesitate running a water immune pokemon, which of course can be weakened by other team members.

252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 258-306 (63.8 - 75.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Solgaleo: 560-660 (117.1 - 138%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Zygarde-Complete: 800-944 (112 - 132.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey: 500-590 (71 - 83.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Yes, it even 2hKOS max spdef Chansey. Without the eviolite, she's dead.

As comparison, people usually run Steam Eruption on a specs set, which actually outdamages scarf Water Spout at full health (252 SpA Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 132-156 (32.6 - 38.6%)
). Here are calcs against the same mons without Oceanic Operetta:
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 144-172 (35.6 - 42.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Solgaleo: 314-372 (65.6 - 77.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Zygarde: 452-534 (63.3 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey: 284-336 (40.3 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Of cousre this leads us to the obvious fact that Water Bubble is totally broken too.
Actually oceanic Operetta combined with water bubble makes a speedy water type like Greninja-Ash be able to blow past anything that could actually take its moves. This would necesitate running a water immune pokemon, which of course can be weakened by other team members.

252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 258-306 (63.8 - 75.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Solgaleo: 560-660 (117.1 - 138%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Zygarde-Complete: 800-944 (112 - 132.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey: 500-590 (71 - 83.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Yes, it even 2hKOS max spdef Chansey. Without the eviolite, she's dead.

As comparison, people usually run Steam Eruption on a specs set, which actually outdamages scarf Water Spout at full health (252 SpA Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 132-156 (32.6 - 38.6%)
). Here are calcs against the same mons without Oceanic Operetta:
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 144-172 (35.6 - 42.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Solgaleo: 314-372 (65.6 - 77.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Zygarde: 452-534 (63.3 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey: 284-336 (40.3 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Of cousre this leads us to the obvious fact that Water Bubble is totally broken too.

SuperSkylake Well, it's obvious Water Bubble is broken, but its still endured with pokémons like Assault vest Gyarados, Solgaleo, Dialga, Shedinja (in case of specs, set you mentioned), eviolite Chansey and even Innards Out. But there's even more broken abilities and moves like Comatose, Psychic Surge, Dazzling/Queenly Magesty, Primal Forms, etc that requires a suspect test or ban firstly than Water Bubble itself.

Just reminding, if Water Bubble gets banned, then sets like the Tinted Lens Choice Band Groudon (that has no safe switch-in) or Poison Heal Quiver Dance Primal Kyogre, are going to rise again, and they are one of the reasons that primals got banned last gen.

In my opinion, i agree with MAMP, when he says that we should suspect test more things at the same time than just one.
Actually oceanic Operetta combined with water bubble makes a speedy water type like Greninja-Ash be able to blow past anything that could actually take its moves. This would necesitate running a water immune pokemon, which of course can be weakened by other team members.

252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 258-306 (63.8 - 75.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Solgaleo: 560-660 (117.1 - 138%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Zygarde-Complete: 800-944 (112 - 132.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey: 500-590 (71 - 83.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Yes, it even 2hKOS max spdef Chansey. Without the eviolite, she's dead.

As comparison, people usually run Steam Eruption on a specs set, which actually outdamages scarf Water Spout at full health (252 SpA Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 132-156 (32.6 - 38.6%)
). Here are calcs against the same mons without Oceanic Operetta:
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Dialga: 144-172 (35.6 - 42.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Solgaleo: 314-372 (65.6 - 77.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Zygarde: 452-534 (63.3 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Greninja-Ash Steam Eruption vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey: 284-336 (40.3 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Of cousre this leads us to the obvious fact that Water Bubble is totally broken too.
I was under the impression that Z-Moves aren't affected by abilities? Either way, don't run those top sets, as choice locking yourself into a 1 pp move is the same thing as willingly running slaking in standard tiers; sure, you might KO, but if you didn't they can recover while you switch, and if you do you just gave away a free setup or attacking turn, which generally means you traded Pokémon or worse.
E4 Flint can I make a request that we please speed up the suspect process? This metagame has been (imo) almost unplayably broken since the start of the gen, more than a month ago, and we're only just now having our first suspect test. Almost everyone I've spoken to about this agrees that there are a bunch of things (Water Bubble, Psychic Surge, Comaphaze, Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, Mega Rayquaza, maybe Dazzling/Queenly Majesty, -ate if priority blockers go) that should be suspected before the metagame can be considered to have reached a balanced state. If we continue to suspect one thing at a time with a 3 week long suspect process, it'll be months before the metagame is anywhere near balanced, and that's a best case scenario. I don't want to have to deal with that and I know pretty much nobody else does either, and I know people are going to get sick of suspect laddering if you make them get reqs again every single time. We don't need any more testing to know that shit like Water Bubble is unhealthy for the metagame. Especially considering that OMGS is coming up soonish and BH will be a part of that, the metagame should be in at least a servicable state by then.

Either allow us to vote on multiple things this suspect test, or appoint a council and start quickbanning things please xoxo

Rumors said:
Suspecting multiple, unrelated things at once would be confusing [...] so you can't exactly test them together reliably

2) I am still not sure about all the details about this but I think suspects have to have a 2 week period and we have to have a one week waiting period for the suspect of another OM. Furthermore, though the meta started "more than a month ago" it has taken a while to get other things out of the tier and let it get settled down including Evoboost and Assist-CFZ.

3) Things that have to be suspected will take the time necessary to make a decision. I can't rush things arbitrarily for some decisions, as far as I can tell (and don't want to). If I feel that something needs a quick-ban then that will be done as I have shown. Nor do I want the tier to always be stuck in a state of suspects one after another.

4) None of the things in 1-3 above would be sped up with a council; indeed, a council would involve another layer of deliberation as seen in other oms such as AAA which can add more delay, which I'm sure is not what you'd want from what your post suggests. I'd also argue that the discussion and interaction in this thread is at least as effective if not more than having a council, while not having the problems of having to find and maintain an active, knowledgeable and reliable council.

My apologies for a (late?) response to this, but I don't have an option then and now I do so it has to come now.

Why would we ever want to make it all or nothing? I get that it does make it more difficult to find the exact source of what is broken, but there's a world of difference between Genesis Supernova or Bullshit of Alola and Malicious Moonslaught or Pulverising Pancake. This seems to me like the GKR suspect of last gen, but with the options as "ban none" or "ban all" as the only options. The Z-moves are all really different--while they do all "hit hard," so do Regigigas, MRay, and Peimal Groudon. I feel like it's rather unnecessary to make it an all or nothing thing. At the very least, would it be possible to put in a few of them as a later retest?

1) Here is the link to the GKR Suspect (Spoiler: it was not all or nothing).

2) If you look at the core rationale behind suspecting CFZ, it is as follows:
- Moves normally usable with a special item can be used in any moveset
- High powered moves that can hit through protect with virtually no downside bar 1PP which is many times all that is needed
- Ability to get around limitation of 1PP with the use of Leppa and/or Comatose Sleep Talk (which I am however told is not the correct behavior, just adding it for the sake of completeness)

These apply to all the CFZ moves with non-1 BP. To me, there is no real reason that Pulverizing Pancake is objectively worse than Oceanic Operetta when the use-case is the same i.e. the ability to irreparably damage would-be walls/switch-ins. While this is a poor comparison on many levels, it is similar to the rationale behind why Arceus-Bug was not allowed in OU.

3) While it would ofc take a longer time, that is not a core reason on why I have decided on doing it this way. Side-effects do include, however
- having a banlist that is much easier to understand
- saving time during suspects (which clearly seems to be an issue)
- covering the bases for future CFZ's (which may also include new extremely powerful status CFZ's which have no BP)
Again, these are not primary reasons, but they are nice to have.

4) The suspect options shouldn't really be thought of as "ban all" or "ban none" but more "ban all" or "don't ban all". If you really feel that not all should be banned, you can still vote for "don't ban all".

1) Here is the link to the GKR Suspect (Spoiler: it was not all or nothing).

2) If you look at the core rationale behind suspecting CFZ, it is as follows:
- Moves normally usable with a special item can be used in any moveset
- High powered moves that can hit through protect with virtually no downside bar 1PP which is many times all that is needed
- Ability to get around limitation of 1PP with the use of Leppa and/or Comatose Sleep Talk (which I am however told is not the correct behavior, just adding it for the sake of completeness)

These apply to all the CFZ moves with non-1 BP. To me, there is no real reason that Pulverizing Pancake is objectively worse than Oceanic Operetta when the use-case is the same i.e. the ability to irreparably damage would-be walls/switch-ins. While this is a poor comparison on many levels, it is similar to the rationale behind why Arceus-Bug was not allowed in OU.

3) While it would ofc take a longer time, that is not a core reason on why I have decided on doing it this way. Side-effects do include, however
- having a banlist that is much easier to understand
- saving time during suspects (which clearly seems to be an issue)
- covering the bases for future CFZ's (which may also include new extremely powerful status CFZ's which have no BP)
Again, these are not primary reasons, but they are nice to have.

4) The suspect options shouldn't really be thought of as "ban all" or "ban none" but more "ban all" or "don't ban all". If you really feel that not all should be banned, you can still vote for "don't ban all".

Just for clarification, I was aware that GKR was not all or nothing; that was a praise of that concept, as opposed to the all or none deal here.

But... you can say the same thing about megas. They are Pokemon that are normally usable with a special item that can be used on any team, and high powered pokemon with virtually no downside; however, we suspected the ones that were broken (Groudon, kyogre, Rayquaza) while not arbitrarily banning off Mega Sceptile or Diancie despite them also qualifying for that. There's no objective reason why Rayquaza was less broken than Kyogre and Groudon, it just didn't have as good a typing or stat distribution. There's nothing about Pulverising Pancake that is "in principle" not broken, because "in principle" is only really relevant to noncompetitive thing; instead, it simply isn;t as good as the other broken CFZs.
I despise on principle the idea of covering the bases for future CFZs: if they are broken, just ban them, don't say "I can't because we didn't ban all CFZs last gen/game. Thus, banning all now to prevent future ones is similarly fallacious.

The problem with this option is that I think that some CFZs absolutely need to go, and as quickly as feasible, to the point that I would vote Ban if those are the only options. However, it doesn't have to be like that; it's an artificial, false dichotomy that isn't needed at all. While it would be worth the colatteral to get rid of them, there isn't a complex ban and thus no need for any collateral damage to move options at all.
Hey, on mobile so this post won't be incredibly detailed.

I'd like to push for the option to ban specific CFZ moves. If a Mega is broken, you ban the Mega Stone; not all Mega Stones. The top three offenders seem to be Genesis Superova, Catastropika, and maybe Oceania Opperretta or however you spell it. Despite the latter two being amazing to smack the prevelant primals, I think they're just amazing lure tools that allow the user to get a OHKO on things which could otherwise be terrifying. Furthermore, only having 1 PP really does kinda suck. Leppa is cute but you'd rather other items. It's a one-shot lure which does its job imo. Genesis is just plain stupid though. Blocking priority, and making Psychic moves more powerful just pushes it over the edge. And it's incredibly powerful.

Bar those, which other CFZ are a problem? I see them as lures used to one shot the opponent which can be frustrating, but not unbeatable. Why ban every single one when only a few are the problem? It's akin to looking at a banlist and seeing Mega Stones banned but instead with moves in place.

p.s. this is more of an observation post, not a call for action, as I don't know enough to do that so take this post with a grain of salt.
Castropika - Physical BP 210

10k Volts - Special BP 195 + high crit

Stoked Sparksurfer - Special BP 175 + high Paralysis

Pulverizing Pancake - Physical BP 210

Genesis Supernova - Special BP 185 + Psychic Terrain

Sinister Arrow Raid - Physical BP 180

Malicious Moonsault - Physical BP 180

Oceanic Opera - Special BP 195

SSSSS - Physical BP 195

Bullsh%^ of Alola - 75% of current HP

I... really fail to see how any of these are not broken. The only comparable move in the meta is V-Create, which A) is blocked by Protect. B) User suffers if it collides into Spiky Shield, King's Shield, or Baleful Bunker. C) Lowers the user's speed and defensive stats by one stage. And D) Can miss. And I'd rather sooner get rid of V-Create than I would keep CFZs in the meta, personally. Besides, if we get rid of everything except Malicious Arrow Opera Pancake, then everyone is going to run those instead. All you do is change the movesets of Deo-A spam rather than get rid of it.

wishes No, megastones =/= CFZs in the least. Megastones mean you can only have one Mega-Pokemon at all. CFZs let you potentially run 24 Z-moves on a team. It's more comparable to us using Megas freely, but even then, the vast majority of Megas are barely viable in BH, if at all. Whereas all of the CFZs are among the strongest moves in the meta, period. And would be unquestioningly if they had more than 1 PP.
10k volts is cute but it doesn't accomplish what castropika does – ko'ing p-kyogre. ppancake is nice on regi and slaking and the such, but that only boosts the viability of a few pokemon. sar/sssss are really good physical ghost-moves, but how are they broken exactly? the strongest user, probably mmx, can't even hope to ohko giratina (fur coat) and besides that it's only a one-time use, so it can just recover. even leppa will only dent. mmoonsault, again, is nice and all but like what does it actually accomplish to make it broken? v-create is up there with move power of these, but it's not overwhelming. goa is straight bs though, lol. oceanic opp is good, and so is castropika, and genesis is flat out broken. these all seem super good and high powered, but what do they help to overpower? that isn't to downplay any of these moves, they're certainly amazing, but i don't see how certain moves barring the original three i mentioned are broken or overpowering. since there are only nine you can use, i do see why banning as a blanket does make the most sense, but i just don't feel like they're all broken.
Castropika - Physical BP 210

10k Volts - Special BP 195 + high crit

Stoked Sparksurfer - Special BP 175 + high Paralysis

Pulverizing Pancake - Physical BP 210

Genesis Supernova - Special BP 185 + Psychic Terrain

Sinister Arrow Raid - Physical BP 180

Malicious Moonsault - Physical BP 180

Oceanic Opera - Special BP 195

SSSSS - Physical BP 195

Bullsh%^ of Alola - 75% of current HP

I... really fail to see how any of these are not broken. The only comparable move in the meta is V-Create, which A) is blocked by Protect. B) User suffers if it collides into Spiky Shield, King's Shield, or Baleful Bunker. C) Lowers the user's speed and defensive stats by one stage. And D) Can miss. And I'd rather sooner get rid of V-Create than I would keep CFZs in the meta, personally. Besides, if we get rid of everything except Malicious Arrow Opera Pancake, then everyone is going to run those instead. All you do is change the movesets of Deo-A spam rather than get rid of it.

wishes No, megastones =/= CFZs in the least. Megastones mean you can only have one Mega-Pokemon at all. CFZs let you potentially run 24 Z-moves on a team. It's more comparable to us using Megas freely, but even then, the vast majority of Megas are barely viable in BH, if at all. Whereas all of the CFZs are among the strongest moves in the meta, period. And would be unquestioningly if they had more than 1 PP.
That's not really a pro-ban argument, though; that just describes them. In case this isn't obvious, let me show why.
Mega Rayquaza-780 BST Mixed
Primal Kyogre- 770 BST Special
Primal Groudon- 770 BST Physical
Mega Mewtwo Y- 780 BST Special
Mega Mewtwo X- 780 BST Physical
Arceus- 720 BST Bulky
Zygarde-C- 708 BST Bulky

I... really fail to see how any of these are not broken. The only comparable pokemon in the meta is Kyurem which A) has a bad typing B) is predictable C) isn't easy to imposterproof And D) Can fail to Ko. And I'd rather sooner get rid of Kyurem than I would keep 700+ BST in the meta, personally. Besides, if we get rid of everything except Arceus and Zygarde-C, then everyone is going to run those instead. All you do is change the members of the BST spam rather than get rid of it.

Do you see how this doesn't actually say anything about the metagame? Just look at this list; Arceus is much worse than all the rest, but it fits perfectly into this arbitrary list--because it doesn't actually say anything about the metagame.

This seems like a complete misinterpretation of Wishes' point. Limiting you to one manual Mega per team from out current restriction is the exact same limitation as going from current CFZs to 1 with an item. Megas/Primals are among the strongest pokemon in the metagame; MRay, Maudino, POgre, PDon, MGar, MMY, MMX, MDiancie etc are all very powerful forces, all of them in the top percentage of pokemon in the same way that z-moves are in the top percentage of moves. There are bad megas, but there are also 17 useless CFZs so.
10k volts is cute but it doesn't accomplish what castropika does – ko'ing p-kyogre. ppancake is nice on regi and slaking and the such, but that only boosts the viability of a few pokemon. sar/sssss are really good physical ghost-moves, but how are they broken exactly? the strongest user, probably mmx, can't even hope to ohko giratina (fur coat) and besides that it's only a one-time use, so it can just recover. even leppa will only dent. mmoonsault, again, is nice and all but like what does it actually accomplish to make it broken? v-create is up there with move power of these, but it's not overwhelming. goa is straight bs though, lol. oceanic opp is good, and so is castropika, and genesis is flat out broken. these all seem super good and high powered, but what do they help to overpower? that isn't to downplay any of these moves, they're certainly amazing, but i don't see how certain moves barring the original three i mentioned are broken or overpowering. since there are only nine you can use, i do see why banning as a blanket does make the most sense, but i just don't feel like they're all broken.
Basically this, thank you.
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The idea of banning some but not all of them is interesting though, could be worth experimenting with. If that's the route we go down, how do we decide which ones to ban? I mean this in a practical sense -- obviously we can't suspect them each individually, so would we decide on a list of broken ones in this thread (it's very unlikely that we'd reach a consensus) and then suspect them, or would we have a Z-move suspect and then let those that qualified vote on each Z-move individually? The latter has a couple of issues that I'm worried about. Not all of the Z-moves are common enough for everyone to have a considered opinion on them all individually (like fr who uses Sinister Arrow Raid for example), and it seems really likely that we'd end up underestimating some of them due to lack of experience and end up having to deal with them again down the line.
There's already some conflicting ideas in this thread from what I can tell.
Water Bubble - Forces most teams to run Water Absorb / Storm Drain & Special Wall that resists Water.

Innards Out - The user will also forfeit one party slot for that Chansey / Guzzlord / Wailord or whatever.

CFZ's - Something's wrong with this.

Comatose - This is what i do: Chansey with defense of 13 takes Dragon Tail and explodes. Magic Bounce user will take care of Whirlwind.

Primals - The more powerful you are, the stronger will be your Imposter.

Deo-Spam - I would say there are many ways to counter them but it is still quite unbalanced. Although I take care of them with Scart + Beat Up, the spamming of Z-moves is quite a pain to deal with.
Quantum Tesseract Your "parody", I believe that is the right term here, of my example doesn't really work because base stat totals are a whole lot more complicated than the base power of moves. I mean, a Pokemon with a BST of 1800 with 1795 points into speed would be near utterly worthless even in PU whereas one with its BST as six even 300s would be pretty broken in any metagame. That number is divided six ways and is thrown into a more complex mix of factors to determine viability: BST distribution, up to two typings, and occasional unique hard coded qualities for BH. Toss in ability and movepools for most metas, official or OM.

Moves though? Base Power is base power. It is not divided six ways, that number is that number period. Typing plays a part in effectively increasing it by up to 4x or down to .25x. However, 4x and .25x are fairly rare in most instances, 2x and .5x are much more common. Now lets take the lowest BP move, Stoked Sparksurfer, at 175. It hits a resistant target. Damage? 87.5 For comparison, Thunderbolt is 90. A resisted hit deals almost as much damage as a common non-CFZ move. Meanwhile, if Thunderbolt hits a weak target, it only goes up to 180, just barely stronger than Stoked Sparksurfer.

Basically, we can say that all of the CFZs besides Alola are effectively the next best same-type non-CFZ hitting super-effectively on a neutral type. Because, literally, they are. Or better. Only one PP, sure, but if that gets the opponent in KO range for the follow-up hit, provided they don't perfectly predict the CFZ that they probably don't know is there, then it doesn't matter.

Also, besides, if we're arguing to not ban moves because they're not as common in the meta, then I argue not to ban Bullcrap of Alola on the virtue that, experience from using it as I slowly work on reqs, its actually not too amazing right now because the meta is so slanted towards frail offense. It works great when the situation arises but, most teams aren't packing the necessary defenses to really need it over a different CFZ. I mean, the move is utter crap for meta health, but I can objectively use the current situation in the meta to say its not broken.

And I'd really prefer not to because, regardless of how broken the moves might be at the moment, they're over-centralizing and unhealthy.

Plus I'd really rather not put the current suspect and all future suspects on hold to spend the next two-three months arguing over which Z-moves can stay and which can give the boot. Do you?

As for the Wishes quote... first, Xtwo not being good with SSSSS?

252 Atk Mewtwo-Mega-X Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Giratina: 360-424 (71.5 - 84.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Mewtwo-Mega-X Malicious Moonsault vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Giratina: 332-392 (66 - 77.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Mewtwo-Mega-X Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina: 180-214 (35.7 - 42.5%) -- 93.8% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Mewtwo-Mega-X Malicious Moonsault vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina: 168-198 (33.3 - 39.3%) -- 16.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Not a OHKO, sure, but the first Giratina is screwed on the follow-up hit if it didn't perfectly predict a SSSSS that it probably didn't know Xtwo was carrying. And that's assuming no prior damage from Stealth Rock or something. Plus this Giratina is hideously vulnerable on the special side. Oh, and sure, Fur Coat takes the hit like a champ, but... if Mewtwo really wants to kill Fur Coat Giratina with SSSSS, it can.

252+ Atk Life Orb Mewtwo-Mega-X Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina: 257-304 (51 - 60.4%) -- 89.1% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Life Orb Mewtwo-Mega-X Malicious Moonsault vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina: 237-281 (47.1 - 55.8%) -- 18.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0- SpA Life Orb Mewtwo-Mega-X Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Giratina: 270-320 (53.6 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Oops, Xtwo can now beat its counter. Without even using its STAB! That thing is now free to sink its Psychic Fangs into the other team in Close Combat, all without relying any support from its team! Unless, of course, a perfect prediction from Giratina stops it.

For the stone analogy... bringing up the useless CFZs doesn't work since they are irrelevant whether they're legal or illegal. I guess we ruin someone's plans of making a team with 17 types of Splash, but who cares? And yeah, you list the good megas, but you forget the large number if niche Megas, like Charizard-Y, Houndoom, Sceptile, Manectric, Absol, and Ampharos, who can make an impact on the meta currently but wouldn't if non-stone megas are banned. Banning certain CFZs to crystals and others not would be like only banning the megas you listed and not the ones I listed.

Also, Primals =/= Megas. You can actually have both Primals AND Mega-Ray on the same team in standard tiers that allow them, or in-game, all Mega/Primaled up. I've never tested it, but I heard Mega-Ray still lets you use another Mega too since it doesn't have a stone. But, that could be wrong.
Quantum Tesseract Your "parody", I believe that is the right term here, of my example doesn't really work because base stat totals are a whole lot more complicated than the base power of moves. I mean, a Pokemon with a BST of 1800 with 1795 points into speed would be near utterly worthless even in PU whereas one with its BST as six even 300s would be pretty broken in any metagame. That number is divided six ways and is thrown into a more complex mix of factors to determine viability: BST distribution, up to two typings, and occasional unique hard coded qualities for BH. Toss in ability and movepools for most metas, official or OM.

Moves though? Base Power is base power. It is not divided six ways, that number is that number period. Typing plays a part in effectively increasing it by up to 4x or down to .25x. However, 4x and .25x are fairly rare in most instances, 2x and .5x are much more common. Now lets take the lowest BP move, Stoked Sparksurfer, at 175. It hits a resistant target. Damage? 87.5 For comparison, Thunderbolt is 90. A resisted hit deals almost as much damage as a common non-CFZ move. Meanwhile, if Thunderbolt hits a weak target, it only goes up to 180, just barely stronger than Stoked Sparksurfer.

Basically, we can say that all of the CFZs besides Alola are effectively the next best same-type non-CFZ hitting super-effectively on a neutral type. Because, literally, they are. Or better. Only one PP, sure, but if that gets the opponent in KO range for the follow-up hit, provided they don't perfectly predict the CFZ that they probably don't know is there, then it doesn't matter.

Also, besides, if we're arguing to not ban moves because they're not as common in the meta, then I argue not to ban Bullcrap of Alola on the virtue that, experience from using it as I slowly work on reqs, its actually not too amazing right now because the meta is so slanted towards frail offense. It works great when the situation arises but, most teams aren't packing the necessary defenses to really need it over a different CFZ. I mean, the move is utter crap for meta health, but I can objectively use the current situation in the meta to say its not broken.

And I'd really prefer not to because, regardless of how broken the moves might be at the moment, they're over-centralizing and unhealthy.

Plus I'd really rather not put the current suspect and all future suspects on hold to spend the next two-three months arguing over which Z-moves can stay and which can give the boot. Do you?
Actually, the opposite is true. A move with 180 base power that drops all stats is worse than a 100 base power ghost move that steals positive boosts, or steam eruption is often worse than on many users (ignoring water bubble) because despite similar accuracy and affects, one has vastly more PP than the other. BST correlates with viability much more strongly than BP correlates with viability. The only issue with my list was how it didn't have anything to do with why those factors made them actually broken, which yours also did.

With the exception of those outclassed by forms (Ray->Mray & Mewtwo->MMY/MMX), every single pokemon there was ranked. Even of those that were "merely" low ranked in the VR, it was because they were outcompeted by a stronger version; MRay>MMence is about the same relationship as SSSSS>SAR. If you took a list of the top 50 BST Pokemon, you would have an over 65% overlap with the viability rankings*.

All three pokemon Tied for first in BST where long standing S-ranks; while two were brought down by nerfs, mega Rayquaza stayed S all gen.
Both banned pokemon clocked in at fourth highest BST.


Doesn't have nearly the correlation as does the previous. Even if we discount status entirely, it lacks Knock Off, Spectral Theif, Moongheist Beam, Rapid Spin, Dragon Tail, Judgment, Sunsteel strike, Volt Switch, Psystrike, Core Enforcer, Chatter, Ice Hammer, Extreme Speed, U-turn, Thousand Arrows, Oblivion wing, etc and contains many useless things instead.

*Last gen's admittedly, hence the !gen 7. The current one is showing the same tendency, but it's not really anywhere near explored and so is suspect.
The PP is really way more serious than you seem to be trying to imply; while breaking through protect at 1/4 power is nice, if Yveltal spiky sheilds on your Deoxys's 100000 volt tbolt, all of a sudden your deoxys cant beat yveltal anymore, or even hit it at all, while even ice beam would at least force them to burn recovers or get worn down.

Don't strawman plz and ty. I didn't say or imply that, and "defeating" irrelevant counterarguments doesn't actually strengthen your point

No, I wouldn't prefer that we not get started on the next suspect, but I'd also rather we didn't just arbitrarily ban things because we want to go after something else as well.

As for the Wishes quote... first, Xtwo not being good with SSSSS?

252 Atk Mewtwo-Mega-X Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Giratina: 360-424 (71.5 - 84.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Mewtwo-Mega-X Malicious Moonsault vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Giratina: 332-392 (66 - 77.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Mewtwo-Mega-X Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina: 180-214 (35.7 - 42.5%) -- 93.8% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Mewtwo-Mega-X Malicious Moonsault vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina: 168-198 (33.3 - 39.3%) -- 16.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Not a OHKO, sure, but the first Giratina is screwed on the follow-up hit if it didn't perfectly predict a SSSSS that it probably didn't know Xtwo was carrying. And that's assuming no prior damage from Stealth Rock or something. Plus this Giratina is hideously vulnerable on the special side. Oh, and sure, Fur Coat takes the hit like a champ, but... if Mewtwo really wants to kill Fur Coat Giratina with SSSSS, it can.

252+ Atk Life Orb Mewtwo-Mega-X Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina: 257-304 (51 - 60.4%) -- 89.1% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Life Orb Mewtwo-Mega-X Malicious Moonsault vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Giratina: 237-281 (47.1 - 55.8%) -- 18.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0- SpA Life Orb Mewtwo-Mega-X Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Giratina: 270-320 (53.6 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Oops, Xtwo can now beat its counter. Without even using its STAB! That thing is now free to sink its Psychic Fangs into the other team in Close Combat, all without relying any support from its team! Unless, of course, a perfect prediction from Giratina stops it.

For the stone analogy... bringing up the useless CFZs doesn't work since they are irrelevant whether they're legal or illegal. I guess we ruin someone's plans of making a team with 17 types of Splash, but who cares? And yeah, you list the good megas, but you forget the large number if niche Megas, like Charizard-Y, Houndoom, Sceptile, Manectric, Absol, and Ampharos, who can make an impact on the meta currently but wouldn't if non-stone megas are banned. Banning certain CFZs to crystals and others not would be like only banning the megas you listed and not the ones I listed.

Also, Primals =/= Megas. You can actually have both Primals AND Mega-Ray on the same team in standard tiers that allow them, or in-game, all Mega/Primaled up. I've never tested it, but I heard Mega-Ray still lets you use another Mega too since it doesn't have a stone. But, that could be wrong.
Yes, you can sacrifice 2 moveslots to beat a given answer with predicts... that you can beat with one moveslot on other completely viable sets, like 0- SpA Life Orb Stakeout Mewtwo-Mega-X Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Giratina: 538-634 (106.9 - 126%) -- guaranteed OHKO... only it can work more than once if they have more than one Giratina or miss a predict. Sure, SSSSS also beats Aegislash, but Draco also beats Zygarde, and most MMX sets will beat Aegislash anyway. Being able to run a diffeent move like spore or random coverage to bypass a counter is and always has been a part of BH, like Sludge Wave Gengar for Mega Audino.

"Banning certain CFZs to crystals and others not would be like only banning the megas you listed and not the ones I listed." (Taking this here to make it clear what this responds too)
Yes, it would be exactly like that. Getting rid of Mega Houndoom because Mega Rayquaza is broken would be insanely dumb, because there isn't any reason to.

For the purposes of BH, they are the same; insanely high BST formes that can be limited behinf an item. yes, the exact mechanics are slightly different, but so are the exact mechanics of SSSSS and Malicous Moonslaught. (also no, you cannot and never could run MRay+another mega).
On the top half...

You were comparing BSTs, a combination of six stats, in a vacuum vs BPs in a vacuum along with a vague indicator of type of attacker or bulky. And even then, most of those have the stats to run other roles, such as Special P.Don, Support P.Ogre, Bulky Mega-Ray, etc, whether that's the "best" role or not. Meanwhile, a move is... a move. You can't use "Bulky Genesis Supernova" or "Support Malicious Moonsault". And blanket statements that "180 bp dropping stats is worse than 100 bp stealing stats" is highly inaccurate otheriwse P.Don would always run Spectral Thief over V-Create or using ummm... blank(?) over Steam Eruption. (Origin Pulse? Scald? Surf? What were you saying there?) Plus... I'm not even going to get into how a BP 180 move that dropped ALL stats would be horrifically broken on a Contrary user, thus making the move pretty damn godlike despite its drawbacks.

Hyper Beam-esque moves, meanwhile, are an exception, just like a mon with high BST but crap distribution is crap, since their drawback gives them an effective BP of 75. Explosion, on the other hand, is pretty darn good. It's like Innards Out or Prankster D.Bond, just with different situational uses and often used on an -ate. Sure, it got nerfed hard with -ate clause since you can no longer run the hilariously effective strategy of six Choice Band Explosion Refrigerate Kyu-Bs. You can't call a move that has enough power to potentially take out a resistant wall in a single shot pre-510 crap and then consider suspecting Innards Out, even if we rarely run the former.

And as for 1 PP... did you play Deo-A spam? I did. It was boring. So much that I nearly gave up and used a normal team for the last stretch of reqs. And guess which Deo-A was the most useless on my team? The Leppa Berry one. The limitation of only 1 PP hardly mattered in most instances. If my Deo-A lost enough PP to become useless... hey, guess what, I had more Deo-As with CFZs! I didn't give a damn, the next one was nuking Yveltal's ass either way, except this time I know it has Protect so I can play around it. Literally the only time PP became the death of me was when I came across a random Prankster Electrify Landorous and my Psychic Surge Deo-A was dead. Trust me, one PP is enough. I OHKOed enough Registeel with Oceanic Opera or SSSSS or Castropika to know.

Also... if you don't want to "ban arbitrary things" without delaying future suspects, how do you propose we manage to all come to enough consensus to pick which CFZs to ban in about a week's time? Honestly here, we're on... what is it, Day 3 of this exchange just between us? And neither of us has convinced the other.

On the bottom half...

You're sacrificing an ability slot and hoping the enemy makes a switch in your strategy for that to work. Either way, two move slots or move and ability slot is still "two sacrificed resources", so I feel that's a moot point. Only, one doesn't require the opponent to switch in.

And for the purposes of BH, no, Megas are just more Pokemon with good BST, enough to rival the legendaries we spam all the time. Nothing would change for us if they were just another normal evolution or whatever, their evolution mechanics matter more to other tiers. And we have tons of Pokemon that match, rival, or exceed them, whether they be legendary or ultra beast or, in a few cases, just a normal Pokemon (hi Aegislash!) Even without their crystals, however, CFZs are quite unique in that they have 1 PP, partially bypass Protect, and their BP is only rivaled by V-Create, Self-Destruct, and Explosion, three strong moves with hefty drawbacks. All of the other regularly moves hover from 90-110 BP. And considering how BP is multiplicative when it comes to STAB, effectiveness, items, and abilities (additively multiplicative when you have several multipliers. Its... weird, but it's how it works), something with ~180 is utterly insane.

Oceanic Opera 195 + STAB (97.5) = 292.5

Steam Eruption 110 + STAB (55) = 165 + Choice Specs (55) = 220 (roughly, it doesn't work quite that way with Band/Specs, but the math actually gets you only a few HP different so its literally close enough)

110 + Water Bubble (110) = 220 + STAB (55) = 275

STAB Oceanic Opera is literally stronger than Water Bubble STAB Steam Eruption or Choice Specs Steam Eruption. For the low cost of a 1 PP move, you can nuke the hell out of something while being free to pick whatever ability or item you please. How is that even okay? If Huge Power was unbanned, the math would work out for all of the physical CFZs vs the next best thing with the same type!
Choice specs doesn't work like that, a 1.5 Spa boost is effectively a 1.5 boost in BP.
Still less powerful than Oceanic Opereta though.
On the top half...

You were comparing BSTs, a combination of six stats, in a vacuum vs BPs in a vacuum along with a vague indicator of type of attacker or bulky. And even then, most of those have the stats to run other roles, such as Special P.Don, Support P.Ogre, Bulky Mega-Ray, etc, whether that's the "best" role or not. Meanwhile, a move is... a move. You can't use "Bulky Genesis Supernova" or "Support Malicious Moonsault". And blanket statements that "180 bp dropping stats is worse than 100 bp stealing stats" is highly inaccurate otheriwse P.Don would always run Spectral Thief over V-Create or using ummm... blank(?) over Steam Eruption. (Origin Pulse? Scald? Surf? What were you saying there?) Plus... I'm not even going to get into how a BP 180 move that dropped ALL stats would be horrifically broken on a Contrary user, thus making the move pretty damn godlike despite its drawbacks.
Better doesn't mean outclassed? Pdon and MMx are pretty much the only pokemon that use v-create, maybe MRay; Spectral theif has dozens of users, and is basically good regardless of stats; you could have an attack of 5. Hellp, look at genesis supernova; it's the most dangerous of the attacking Z-moves, simply because it has a secondary affect. As far as moves are concerned, BP is hardly the biggest concern... unlike how BST is the biggest concern on mons. Yes, there is correlation, but less so than BST has.
And yes, you cant use support Malicious Moonslaught, but you can't use Bulky Deoxys-A either. On the other hand, you can use both offensive and support Knock Off, or offensive and Support sacred fire, scald, spectral thief, core neforcer, etc. Move shave less statisctics than pokemon, so yes, they aren't as versatile, but saying that BP is the only, or even really primary, determiner of the value of a move is really silly and just plain wrong.

Hyper Beam-esque moves, meanwhile, are an exception, just like a mon with high BST but crap distribution is crap, since their drawback gives them an effective BP of 75. Explosion, on the other hand, is pretty darn good. It's like Innards Out or Prankster D.Bond, just with different situational uses and often used on an -ate. Sure, it got nerfed hard with -ate clause since you can no longer run the hilariously effective strategy of six Choice Band Explosion Refrigerate Kyu-Bs. You can't call a move that has enough power to potentially take out a resistant wall in a single shot pre-510 crap and then consider suspecting Innards Out, even if we rarely run the former.

And as for 1 PP... did you play Deo-A spam? I did. It was boring. So much that I nearly gave up and used a normal team for the last stretch of reqs. And guess which Deo-A was the most useless on my team? The Leppa Berry one. The limitation of only 1 PP hardly mattered in most instances. If my Deo-A lost enough PP to become useless... hey, guess what, I had more Deo-As with CFZs! I didn't give a damn, the next one was nuking Yveltal's ass either way, except this time I know it has Protect so I can play around it. Literally the only time PP became the death of me was when I came across a random Prankster Electrify Landorous and my Psychic Surge Deo-A was dead. Trust me, one PP is enough. I OHKOed enough Registeel with Oceanic Opera or SSSSS or Castropika to know.

Also... if you don't want to "ban arbitrary things" without delaying future suspects, how do you propose we manage to all come to enough consensus to pick which CFZs to ban in about a week's time? Honestly here, we're on... what is it, Day 3 of this exchange just between us? And neither of us has convinced the other.
Yes? You just argued my point? High base power isn't enough; if you want to say a move is broken, you have to do more than list it's /dt facts with an editorial or two.
Don't mention pre-510, please, because that's totally irrelevant. As for the rest of thI have to admit i don't have a clue what point you're trying to make, so consider rewording it or explaining?

"I OHKOed enough Registeel with Oceanic Opera or SSSSS or Castropika to know."
252+ Atk Deoxys-Attack Catastropika vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Registeel: 225-265 (61.8 - 72.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Deoxys-Attack Oceanic Operetta vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Registeel: 209-247 (57.4 - 67.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Deoxys-Attack Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Registeel: 209-246 (57.4 - 67.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Did you really even play the metagame? Well no, you made recs so I'm sure you did, but I'm still bamboozled as to where you came up with this crap.

Like, if you're one of the people arguing, saying "we haven't come to an agreement yet, so do what I want" as reason to support your side... is really bullshit? I'm not sure how your not seeing this.
On the bottom half...

You're sacrificing an ability slot and hoping the enemy makes a switch in your strategy for that to work. Either way, two move slots or move and ability slot is still "two sacrificed resources", so I feel that's a moot point. Only, one doesn't require the opponent to switch in.

And for the purposes of BH, no, Megas are just more Pokemon with good BST, enough to rival the legendaries we spam all the time. Nothing would change for us if they were just another normal evolution or whatever, their evolution mechanics matter more to other tiers. And we have tons of Pokemon that match, rival, or exceed them, whether they be legendary or ultra beast or, in a few cases, just a normal Pokemon (hi Aegislash!) Even without their crystals, however, CFZs are quite unique in that they have 1 PP, partially bypass Protect, and their BP is only rivaled by V-Create, Self-Destruct, and Explosion, three strong moves with hefty drawbacks. All of the other regularly moves hover from 90-110 BP. And considering how BP is multiplicative when it comes to STAB, effectiveness, items, and abilities (additively multiplicative when you have several multipliers. Its... weird, but it's how it works), something with ~180 is utterly insane.

Oceanic Opera 195 + STAB (97.5) = 292.5

Steam Eruption 110 + STAB (55) = 165 + Choice Specs (55) = 220 (roughly, it doesn't work quite that way with Band/Specs, but the math actually gets you only a few HP different so its literally close enough)

110 + Water Bubble (110) = 220 + STAB (55) = 275

STAB Oceanic Opera is literally stronger than Water Bubble STAB Steam Eruption or Choice Specs Steam Eruption. For the low cost of a 1 PP move, you can nuke the hell out of something while being free to pick whatever ability or item you please. How is that even okay? If Huge Power was unbanned, the math would work out for all of the physical CFZs vs the next best thing with the same type!
No, that requires them to switch in two, or else they can just recover, or OHKO with metal burst; if you arent using on of those moves on the switch, then you arent winning. But hey, that was one example, want another?
Mewtwo-Mega-X Nature's Madness vs. 248 HP Giratina: 251-251 (49.8 - 49.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
0- SpA Life Orb Mewtwo-Mega-X Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Giratina: 270-320 (53.6 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Two moves, Koed Giratina! Ok, there's a 20% chance to live after leftovers, but rocks are a thing, and still.
Or replace Nature's Madness with clanging scales, that has about the same chance (Albeit less useful)

Um. No. Mega Evolutions aren't "a match for legendaries, they are better then them, by even more than Z-moves are over regular moves. MRay, Primal Groudon*, Primal Kyogre, MMY, and MMX aren't just "Near the top" like Z-moves; they are the top, there are none higher. BST directly, irrefutably correlates with power; of the top 7 BST Pokemon, 4 are S rank, 2 are A+, and 1 B, while the top 7 BST (10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt, Catastropika, Explosion, Oceanic Operetta, Pulverizing Pancake, Self-Destruct, Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike) are not the top 7, or even the top 3, moves.

No, you have no idea what you are talking about. None of this is true.
I'm not sure where you picked this up, but this is all false. BP is not additively multipicative when it comes to stab+items:
252+ SpA Deoxys-Attack Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Abomasnow: 131-155 (40.8 - 48.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Kyogre-Primal Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Abomasnow: 197-232 (61.3 - 72.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (50% increase)
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre-Primal Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Abomasnow: 295-348 (91.9 - 108.4%) -- 50% chance to OHKO (50% Increase)
252+ SpA Choice Specs Water Bubble Kyogre-Primal Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Abomasnow: 590-696 (183.8 - 216.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO (100% increase)

Because they would be broken with huge power, ban all z-moves? That's rlly dumb, especially since we, y'know, banned huge power already.
Here's what I have to say:
  • Lots of usage=/=necessarily broken. People don't use Sinister Arrow Raid because 5S exists. If 5S were banned, people would just use Sinister Arrow Raid instead to basically the same effect. By banning the move, we seek to ban the effect.
  • How are CFZs not broken? The general consensus seems to be that they are so the anti ban side will need to provide some proof here. Is there any particular CFZ that could potentially benefit the metagame?
  • No, you have no idea what you are talking about. None of this is true.
    please don't do that
  • Top _ usage doesn't work as an argument here because ofc people are going to use support moves like SR, Rapid Spin, etc on their teams. A better way might be to compare attacking moves to each other i.e. see if the Electric-type CFZs have completely displaced Thunderbolt.
  • You can't quantify brokenness. True, CFZs have high Base Power, but what makes Genesis Supernova (we can all agree on this right) broken? Is it the good offensive typing? Is it the Psychic Terrain effect? The high Base Power? It's a combination of all three. If you want to argue pro ban or anti ban, make sure you think about all of the move. I don't know if anyone is doing this but don't say "Oh it has high Base Power let's ban it".
  • This thread has a disturbing lack of replays. Those would definitely help.
I am a N00B. This is my first real BH experience, and in general one of my few and far beween remotely serious experiences in this game. Take this as a possible opinion of a new player of BH, and if I say stupid stuff, go ahead and explain me why do you think it's stupid.

TBH, I find that most Z-Moves are not quite as problematic as some other threats. Most. Genesis Supernova is a very high damage Psychic attack that can force a switch on its own and that has the added benefit of solving Deo-A's (and MMY's and MAlakazam's for a shorter extent) most obvious problem: their weakness to priority, while letting them have an ability to further power them up. Leppa+Harvest works imo because you basically get a mon that can for the most part just spam Genesis relentlessly, setting up Psyterrain multiple times in a row and obviously posing a HUGE threat to anything not Dark or resistant AND spD invested, and that doesn't really mind low PP moves given it's not meant to stay on the battlefield for too long of a time. That's already threatening. But the most threatening CFZ's are the ones that you do not expect (HI GUARDIAN OF ALOLA, a.k.a. let's see if you can counter me at 25% life!), that allow many 'mons to just thrash their would-be counters for good.

The next thing for me is Dazzling. It's really difficult to know where said ability will be found. Deo-A? Probable. MMewtwo? Possible. Random SS sweeper? You can naver be certain. This ability is unpredictable, you can only guess what 'mon has it. Anything offensive can go with this and halt an Espeed at the most crucial point of the match, and giving offensive mons a completely free turn is an horrible, horrible thing. Sure, you can adapt your playstyle, but outspeeding something like Deo-A (which is a threat, unboosted or boosted alike) requires either a Scarf (difficult to accomodate) or Phero/Deo-S, which only have decent stats to do anything else and fall flat to boosted mons, or a Speed Boost 'mon, which is difficult to accomodate into teams. Then sure, you might guess right, that deo-A is Dazzling. Then what if it is anything else?

As far as Water Bubble goes, the sheer fact that you literally need a Water Absorb mon or a RegenVest (and some hope to outpredict your enemy that suddenly Core Enforced your face) to play around it in a meta where you literally have to prepare for everything is appalling. You need to use a suboptimal ability with next to no other uses. Comaphaze sort of finds itself in a similar boat, if not for the fact that Defog exists and is good for general hazard control and Magic Bounce is a good (and usable!) ability.

Innards Out surely gets you a kill if played well. But again, you need to run a frail, weak and slow mon (Blissey, Guzzlord, Wailord, all of which have subpar speed and attack) and be wary of Magic Guard, multi-hit moves, and in general you cannot do too much else with the mon. Some unconventional ways of playing it like IO+Psplit can get around some problems by enabling some faster, stronger mons to be played, but it tends to be unreliable. Also, you need to be cautious, because unless you run chansey, there are many many moves that can put you right at that sweet amount of HP where you cannot kill anything with your deathbang. Also, it' one time use, you have to pick the specific threat you want to kill.

TL, DR: Z-Moves are too powerful when well hidden or when they are Genesis Supernova, Dazzling is really annoying, and can be slapped on anything with a boosting move, Water Bubble needs suboptimal stuff to counterplay it, Comphaze has less sub-optimal couterplay but either u are prepared or u outright lose, Innards Out requires good play to reap benefits and usually mons that run it are semi-useless and it's a one-time use. Also i am N00B, if you think I am saying stupid things, tell me without problems.

Also, I think Stakeout will rise in popularity, and if dazzling is touched on triage will need a suspect.
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The next thing for me is Dazzling. It's really difficult to know where said ability will be found. Deo-A? Probable. MMewtwo? Possible. Random SS sweeper? You can naver be certain. This ability is unpredictable, you can only guess what 'mon has it. Anything offensive can go with this and halt an Espeed at the most crucial point of the match, and giving offensive mons a completely free turn is an horrible, horrible thing. Sure, you can adapt your playstyle, but outspeeding something like Deo-A (which is a threat, unboosted or boosted alike) requires either a Scarf (difficult to accomodate) or Phero/Deo-S, which only have decent stats to do anything else and fall flat to boosted mons, or a Speed Boost 'mon, which is difficult to accomodate into teams. Then sure, you might guess right, that deo-A is Dazzling. Then what if it is anything else?

To stop Dazzling, just carry an Unaware mon, like Registeel, Arceus, Audino, Zygarde, etc with Whirlwind. Or even a prankster mon with Haze if they boost. Even in gen 6 people used to run Unware, so its always a good ability to have. And then if Dazzling gets banned, people will always use Psychic Surge for instance which doesnt solve your problem, because even if you know the opponent is immune to priority due to PS, you can't still use the moves. Dazzling is not that problematic as is Water Bubble: that requires obligatory stuff to deal with and Comatose thats 50-50: you are prepared or you just get rekt.
Just got the reqs for the ongoing suspect, I think about voting non-ban, since there are more powerful strategies, like, at random, Water Bubble scarf Ashninja and POgre that have 0 switchins except maybe a Water Absorb/Desolation Land or Storm Drain mon, and ComaPhase MRay/Deo-S, who can't be stopped except on a miss or a priority, forcing you to resort to either haxx or a really specific counter (Fairy Bouncer), and Psychic Terrain is a thing. These two are imho far more imbalanced than a puny Deo-A with only Z-Moves and a cheap tactic to reuse it.
Also Innards Out is a pain in the back, but I don't think it's banworthy.
And I laddered with a team without Zygarde-C so I don't really know how powerful he is sadly

Btw, here's the team I used :
Rayquaza-Mega @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Comatose
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sleep Talk
- Dragon Tail

Calc'd to be faster than Deo-S with the scarf, with a few more points to outspeed my other Ray, he's the ComaPhazer of the team, has won me a lot of games, despite being a full cancer mon

Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Spectral Thief
- Baton Pass

This one lays hazards, and uses a combination of Spectral Thief and Baton Pass to avoid being a setup fodder to half the Universe, and give stolen boosts to a mate

Arceus-Ghost @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Spectral Thief
- Mean Look
- Perish Song
- Recover

This looks like it will never work but actually does a great job, Perish Song is a pain in the setup sweepers/defensives mons' back, and he can steal boosts because I'm an asshole
Also I wanted the Ghostceus to block Spin, but then this "glitch" happened and I kind of rolled with it

Rayquaza-Mega @ Life Orb
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 92 Atk / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
Naive Nature
- Draco Meteor
- V-create
- Roost
- Substitute

Contrary Ray, have to play with caution because he isn't Imposter-proof by any means, except Sub which I never have time to set
He's fast enough to outspeed Deo-S at +1, yet slower than my first Ray, for abvious phazing reasons

Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Imposter
EVs: 252 HP
IVs: 0 Atk
- Transform
- Final Gambit

Imposter, didn't know how to do this properly so I did a stupid set
Kind of works tho

Mewtwo-Mega-Y @ Fist Plate
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psystrike
- Judgment
- Moongeist Beam
- Stoked Sparksurfer

This team's true MVP, used Genesis Supernova first, but then Yveltal happened and I decided to switch this so I could wreck his face
Psystrike/Fighting Judgment/Moongeist have a really good coverage, Moongeist also happens to deal with Shedinja, which is always a plus
Also, only CFZ in this team, kind of feel like a TBolt+, not that great really

Please excuse any typo/mistakes in my message, English's not my main language
On comaphasing
Wouldn't magic bounce mimiku completely check it? Or just use red card
It would, yes. However, using unviable mons to check a broken strategy isn't sustainable or desirable; it just makes a game theory setup where you can either beat real teams or beat comaphazing. Even Suction Cups is better than Magic Bounce Mimikyu.
With that being said, there are answers. Magic Bounce Audino, Prankster Ingrain, Regenerator, Prankster/triage recovery, and similar (anything that lets you actually move, basically, even priority sorta) let you deal at least somewhat with comaphazing without being completely unviable.
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I think about voting non-ban, since there are more powerful strategies
Not banning something broken/unhealthy because something is more broken/unhealthy seems like some incredibly broken reasoning ngl.

@Cutie, priority is the worst way to deal with comaphaze tbh, I wouldn't even consider prankster defog a check to this strat, and it's a pretty horrible thing to run anyway.

Also you should probably stop trying to compare z moves to other mechanics, it's its own thing, it ain't mega evolution, you can't apply the same reasoning to both and all the attempts you both did at proving so kind of point around that have been ridiculous. Please stop.
Has everyone forgotten about suction cups (which completely prevents any mon from forcing you to switch) or sob this just me?
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