NU C&C Index and Reservations

Re-reserving Seadra
edit: unreserving it, partly because i can't find a niche for it, partly cos Metal Sonic wants it

Now there's only one mon left and that is Togetic
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Stantler is written

I guess I'll re-re-reserve Seadra cos MS hasn't reserved it and nobody seems to want it, though it'll probably come out shitty if I still can't find a notable niche
OP is updated again. I can't find any record of anyone doing a Solrock update, so that is up for grabs unless I completely missed whoever did it. Other than that, we're basically done here guys!
Lairon, Octillery, and Togetic are available to be written.

If anyone else is interested in writing these up, please post here or in the respective threads. If you want to do this, please be willing to have it written up within 72 hours.
Okay, so with the banning of Jynx and Scolipede...a lot of analyses will have to be updated.

I took it upon myself to go through them for mentions of the two broken mons and see which ones need simple updates and which ones need larger changes i have way too much time on my hands

Alomomola: Mentions Jynx's Focus Blast as a key move to take with SpD EVs, so EVs may need to be updated. Scolipede is mentioned for Toxic Spikes. Jynx appears in C+C.
Altaria: Jynx is mentioned as a key Speed mark to hit in the Bulky Dragon Dance set, so EVs may need to be updated here. Scolipede is mentioned for Toxic Spikes, and Jynx in C+C.
Ariados: Scolipede is mentioned repeatedly as a Pokemon that outclasses Ariados and as a prominent counter to Toxic Spikes in C+C. Access to Shadow Sneak to hit Jynx gets a mention in OO.
Articuno: While technically Jynx is only mentioned twice here, it's as direct competition; not being outclassed by Jynx is the reason for the sets being the way they are. Now that Jynx has been banned, set updates may be worth looking into.
Basculin: Substantial number of mentions of Jynx, and the fact that Basculin outspeeds it is given as a major selling point. Aqua Jet 2HKOing Scolipede with CB but not with LO is the explicit reason for Choice Band being the only item on the set.
Beedrill: Same as Ariados minus the Jynx mention.
Bibarel: Jynx is given as a reason for Quick Attack being mandatory on the set. Both Pokemon are mentioned as partners in AC.
Bronzor: Bronzor beating Jynx was one of its biggest selling points. Sleep Talk got a slash in the set for this reason, and the EVs are explicitly tailored to take Jynx's Focus Blast. Scolipede gets two mentions as a partner.
Cacturne: Was largely outclassed by Scolipede, but not mentioned as often as you might think in the analysis; probably doesn't need an overhaul. Jynx gets a brief mention in the AC of the Spikes set.
Combusken: Scolipede's Spikes are mentioned as being needed for some key KOs, while Jolly is noted as required to outspeed base 95 at +1.
Cradily: Jynx is the first reason given for Rock Slide being the primary option on the Support set over Toxic. Scolipede is mentioned both as a partner and a counter.
Dodrio: Dodrio being able to outspeed and Pursuit trap Jynx is given as a large reason for its viability in the overview, and is the reason Pursuit is currently a mandatory move on the analysis set.
Electabuzz: Jynx is given as the reason for Vital Spirit being the ability on the Eviolite set, and Timid being the nature on the Scarf set. Also mentioned in OO.
Exeggutor: Frankly, there are just so many mentions of both here that I lost track of them all. It'll almost certainly need a full revamp.
Floatzel: Jynx is mentioned numerous times throughout, most notably as a reason for Crunch on the mixed set. Scolipede gets three mentions in the BU set and one in the mixed set.
Garbodor: Now that Scolipede has been banned, this thing has a much wider niche on offensive teams. Its analysis should probably get an overhaul to reflect this.
Gardevoir: Similarly, Gardevoir has many more options for offense now that most of them aren't outclassed by Jynx.
Glaceon: ^
Golduck: Jynx is given as a major reason for Signal Beam as the primary slash. Scolipede is also given a prominent mention as a teammate.
Gorebyss: The main set has Signal Beam as a primary attacking move almost entirely to hit Jynx. It gets another mention in AC and C+C. Scolipede gets two mentions in AC and one in C+C.
Gothorita: Scolipede gets three mentions total: a prominent mention as a counter, in AC for allies to deal with, and as a reason for Reflect (though there are other reasons given).
Grumpig: Beating Jynx is given as a major selling point in the overview, and is the reason for Psyshock being the primary slash. It gets another mention in OO, while Scolipede gets a C+C mention.
Hypno: Countering Jynx is a large reason for its viability, right in the overview and in set comments. On the other hand, OO mentions an offensive Hypno set being outclassed by Jynx. Scolipede is also mentioned more than once as a counter.
Klang: The Speed EVs on Offensive Shift Gear are tailored to Scolipede. Both the brokenmons are mentioned throughout the sets as Pokemon Klang can set up on.
Metang: The very first line of the overview: "Metang finds a niche thanks to its ability to act as a reliable counter to Jynx"...enough said, really.
Muk: Shadow Sneak hitting Jynx is mentioned a few times here. Fire Punch is given as an option on both sets mainly to hit Metang and Scolipede.
Munchlax: Both sets are tailored to take on Jynx; the EVs of the first set take Focus Blast and Psyshock, while the second set gives Pursuit as a mandatory move entirely for Jynx.
Musharna: Life Orb being required for the OHKO on Jynx with Signal Beam is mentioned in the Trick Room set; Jynx is also largely the reason for Sleep Talk on the Specs set. Scolipede gets multiple AC mentions, as both a check and a teammate.
Piloswine: Piloswine is mentioned in the overview as a rare Ground-type that can take some Jynx variants. The set comments also mention it keeping Scolipede to only one layer of Spikes as a reason for its viability.
Pineco: Mentioned as facing heavy competition from Scolipede, which is no longer the case. Bug Bite is also slashed in the first set mainly for the OHKO on Jynx.
Pinsir: Scolipede is mentioned twice in the overview as competition, while Jynx is mentioned a few times in the sets as both a partner and a potential check.
Probopass: Jynx is mentioned as a partner that works well with Probopass' support. The SpA EVs are tailored to KO the brokenmons with Power Gem.
Roselia: Scolipede is repeatedly mentioned as a spiker that outclasses Roselia in an offensive role, and also part of the reason why a physically defensive EV spread is relegated to AC. Jynx gets only a brief C+C mention.
Samurott: Jynx is mentioned as a reason for Lum Berry on the Swords Dance set, and for Megahorn on the special All-Out Attacker set.
Scraggy: Jolly is used on the Dragon Dance set so that Scraggy can outspeed Jynx at +1. Both brokenmons are mentioned in the overview, with Scolipede as a threat.
Seismitoad: Earthquake is used on the first set over Earth Power for the OHKO on Jynx, while the Swift Swim set mentions Jynx as a key Pokemon that Seismitoad defeats.
Serperior: The Dual Screens set runs max Speed for Scolipede, and Scolipede is also a reason for Hidden Power Rock on the Calm Mind set (though not the only one).
Shedinja: Jynx is mentioned several times as a key Pokemon hard countered by Shedinja.
Shelgon: Jynx is mentioned repeatedly throughout the Bulky DD set, in the overview, and in C+C as a major threat.
Sneasel: Being able to Pursuit trap Jynx is listed as one of Sneasel's biggest selling points.
Swoobat: Heat Wave is given as a mandatory move on the set in order to hit Jynx.
Vanilluxe: Jynx outclassed Vanilluxe in every role except Autotomize, making that the only set on the analysis.
Wailord: Jynx being immune to Water Spout is mentioned in the overview, and it makes Hidden Power Bug the primary slash on the set.
Weezing: Scolipede gets numerous mentions as a Pokemon that Weezing is able to tank.
Whiscash: The EVs are tailored to the base 95 speed range after a Dragon Dance.
Zangoose: Both brokenmons get multiple significant mentions throughout.
Zebstrika: Outspeeding Scolipede is given as a large reason for Zebstrika's viability.
Zweilous: Both the brokenmons are mentioned several times as checks.

Arbok: Scolipede is mentioned in the overview. Jynx gets a brief mention in C+C.
Armaldo: One mention of Jynx in C+C.
Audino: One mention of Jynx in C+C.
Banette: Both brokenmons are mentioned once in the set.
Bastiodon: One mention of Scolipede as a partner in AC.
Beartic: One mention of Jynx in the AC of the All-Out Attacker set.
Bellossom: One mention of Jynx in C+C.
Braviary: Jynx is mentioned in the AC of the CB set, the main section of the Scarf set, and C+C once each. Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of SubBU.
Camerupt: One mention of Jynx in the first set comments.
Carracosta: Scolipede gets multiple mentions as a partner in the AC of Shell Smash. Both brokenmons are mentioned once in C+C.
Charizard: Both brokenmons are mentioned in the AC of the Choice Scarf set. Jynx also gets a mention in the AC of Swords Dance.
Ditto: Scolipede gets a brief mention in the overview.
Dragonair: Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of Bulky DD; Jynx is mentioned in the AC of RestTalk and in C+C.
Drifblim: Both brokenmons get a brief mention early in the AcroBlimp set.
Dunsparce: Jynx gets a brief mention in set comments.
Dwebble: Scolipede is mentioned in the overview.
Exploud: Scolipede gets a mention in AC.
Flareon: Jynx is mentioned in the set comments of the Wish set; Scolipede in the AC of the Guts set.
Fraxure: Jynx is mentioned once in C+C.
Gabite: Jynx is mentioned once in C+C.
Girafarig: Jynx is mentioned once in C+C. (is there an echo in here?)
Glalie: Scolipede is mentioned once in the set comments...but Glalie being outclassed by Scolipede isn't mentioned...?_?
Golbat: Scolipede is mentioned twice in the set, Jynx in C+C.
Golem: Jynx is mentioned in the AC of the Utility set; Scolipede is mentioned twice in the Custap Lead set.
Golurk: Jynx is mentioned in the AC of both sets, in OO, and in C+C once each. Scolipede is mentioned twice in the AC of the SR set, and once in the AC of the CB set.
Gurdurr: Scolipede gets two mentions and Jynx gets one, but they're all in the Bulky Attacker set.
Haunter: Scolipede is mentioned in C+C and in the AC of the SubDisable set. Jynx is mentioned in the AC of LO.
Huntail: Jynx is mentioned twice in the set, and Scolipede once.
Illumise: Both are mentioned once in AC.
Jumpluff: Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of the SD and pivot sets. Jynx is mentioned in C+C and in the AC of the pivot set.
Kecleon: Jynx is mentioned once early in the set comments.
Leafeon: Jynx is mentioned in the overview and C+C. Scolipede is mentioned in AC and C+C.
Leavanny: Scolipede is mentioned in OO and in C+C. Jynx is mentioned in the overview.
Lickilicky: Scolipede is mentioned once in the AC of the Support and Swords Dance sets.
Lopunny: Scolipede is mentioned once in AC.
Ludicolo: Jynx is mentioned in C+C and in the Specially Defensive set comments. Scolipede is mentioned in the overview and the AC of Rain Dance.
Luxray: Both Pokemon get AC mentions as partners across multiple sets.
Magcargo: Jynx gets a brief mention in the overview.
Magmar: Jynx is mentioned in the overview and set comments once each.
Mandibuzz: Jynx gets one C+C mention.
Maractus: Jynx is mentioned in the AC and in C+C.
Marowak: Scolipede gets one AC mention.
Masquerain: Scolipede is mentioned once in set comments, Jynx twice in AC.
Meganium: Both are mentioned in the overview and C+C. Scolipede also gets mentions in AC.
Mightyena: Jynx gets two mentions in the set and one in the overview; Scolipede gets just one in the overview.
Misdreavus: Scolipede gets a mention in the set comments of the Utility Counter set. Jynx gets a mention in OO and in C+C.
Murkrow: Both brokenmons get AC mentions in both sets.
Natu: Jynx gets one mention each in the overview, AC, and C+C, while Scolipede gets two set mentions.
Pelipper: Scolipede is mentioned in the overview, Jynx in set comments.
Persian: Scolipede gets two AC mentions.
Phione: Jynx gets one AC mention.
Pikachu: Jynx is mentioned once in C+C.
Plusle: Scolipede gets one C+C mention.
Primeape: Jynx is mentioned twice in the Scarf set and once in the Band set; Scolipede is mentioned once in the AC of each.
Rapidash: Jynx gets one C+C mention.
Regice: Jynx is mentioned in the AC of Offensive Tank; Scolipede is mentioned in the set comments of Rock Polish.
Riolu: Scolipede is mentioned twice in AC.
Rotom-F: Jynx is mentioned in the overview and early in the Choice Scarf set comments. Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of the ChestoRest set.
Rotom-S: Jynx is mentioned in the overview, the AC of Choice Scarf, and C+C once each.
Sawk: Jynx is mentioned in the overview and C+C. Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of both sets, and in C+C.
Sawsbuck: Scolipede is mentioned in C+C and in the AC of Swords Dance. Jynx is mentioned in the overview and the AC of Choice Scarf.
Shiftry: Both brokenmons are mentioned twice throughout the Mixed set, while Scolipede also gets two mentions in the AC of Swords Dance.
Simipour: Jynx is mentioned once in the AC of Nasty Plot and twice in the AC of SubSalac.
Simisage: Jynx is mentioned in the overview, C+C, and the AC of the mixed and physical sets. Scolipede is mentioned in C+C, in the NP set, and twice in the physical set.
Skuntank: Jynx gets three mentions in AC.
Slaking: Jynx is mentioned four times in the set, and Scolipede twice.
Swellow: Scolipede is mentioned in AC, and Jynx in C+C.
Tauros: Jynx gets two mentions in the Choice Scarf set comments.
Torterra: Both brokenmons are mentioned in the AC of Rock Polish; Jynx also gets a C+C mention.
Ursaring: Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of Quick Feet and Guts. Jynx is mentioned in the set comments of Quick Feet.
Vileplume: Both brokenmons are mentioned in the AC of the offensive set and in C+C. Jynx is also mentioned in the AC of the defensive set.
Volbeat: Both are mentioned in the AC of Weather Supporter; Scolipede also gets a mention in the AC of Baton Pass.
Wartortle: One mention of Jynx in set comments.
Wynaut: One mention of Scolipede in AC.

This is really only meant as an overview, and generally, if I wasn't sure, I put it in the first box (hence "potential").

I'd say this was pretty decent for a 300th post, huh?
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