Arbok: Scolipede is mentioned in the overview. Jynx gets a brief mention in C+C.
Armaldo: One mention of Jynx in C+C.
Audino: One mention of Jynx in C+C.
Banette: Both brokenmons are mentioned once in the set.
Bastiodon: One mention of Scolipede as a partner in AC.
Beartic: One mention of Jynx in the AC of the All-Out Attacker set.
Bellossom: One mention of Jynx in C+C.
Braviary: Jynx is mentioned in the AC of the CB set, the main section of the Scarf set, and C+C once each. Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of SubBU.
Camerupt: One mention of Jynx in the first set comments.
Carracosta: Scolipede gets multiple mentions as a partner in the AC of Shell Smash. Both brokenmons are mentioned once in C+C.
Charizard: Both brokenmons are mentioned in the AC of the Choice Scarf set. Jynx also gets a mention in the AC of Swords Dance.
Ditto: Scolipede gets a brief mention in the overview.
Dragonair: Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of Bulky DD; Jynx is mentioned in the AC of RestTalk and in C+C.
Drifblim: Both brokenmons get a brief mention early in the AcroBlimp set.
Dunsparce: Jynx gets a brief mention in set comments.
Dwebble: Scolipede is mentioned in the overview.
Exploud: Scolipede gets a mention in AC.
Flareon: Jynx is mentioned in the set comments of the Wish set; Scolipede in the AC of the Guts set.
Fraxure: Jynx is mentioned once in C+C.
Gabite: Jynx is mentioned once in C+C.
Girafarig: Jynx is mentioned once in C+C. (is there an echo in here?)
Glalie: Scolipede is mentioned once in the set comments...but Glalie being outclassed by Scolipede isn't mentioned...?_?
Golbat: Scolipede is mentioned twice in the set, Jynx in C+C.
Golem: Jynx is mentioned in the AC of the Utility set; Scolipede is mentioned twice in the Custap Lead set.
Golurk: Jynx is mentioned in the AC of both sets, in OO, and in C+C once each. Scolipede is mentioned twice in the AC of the SR set, and once in the AC of the CB set.
Gurdurr: Scolipede gets two mentions and Jynx gets one, but they're all in the Bulky Attacker set.
Haunter: Scolipede is mentioned in C+C and in the AC of the SubDisable set. Jynx is mentioned in the AC of LO.
Huntail: Jynx is mentioned twice in the set, and Scolipede once.
Illumise: Both are mentioned once in AC.
Jumpluff: Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of the SD and pivot sets. Jynx is mentioned in C+C and in the AC of the pivot set.
Kecleon: Jynx is mentioned once early in the set comments.
Leafeon: Jynx is mentioned in the overview and C+C. Scolipede is mentioned in AC and C+C.
Leavanny: Scolipede is mentioned in OO and in C+C. Jynx is mentioned in the overview.
Lickilicky: Scolipede is mentioned once in the AC of the Support and Swords Dance sets.
Lopunny: Scolipede is mentioned once in AC.
Ludicolo: Jynx is mentioned in C+C and in the Specially Defensive set comments. Scolipede is mentioned in the overview and the AC of Rain Dance.
Luxray: Both Pokemon get AC mentions as partners across multiple sets.
Magcargo: Jynx gets a brief mention in the overview.
Magmar: Jynx is mentioned in the overview and set comments once each.
Mandibuzz: Jynx gets one C+C mention.
Maractus: Jynx is mentioned in the AC and in C+C.
Marowak: Scolipede gets one AC mention.
Masquerain: Scolipede is mentioned once in set comments, Jynx twice in AC.
Meganium: Both are mentioned in the overview and C+C. Scolipede also gets mentions in AC.
Mightyena: Jynx gets two mentions in the set and one in the overview; Scolipede gets just one in the overview.
Misdreavus: Scolipede gets a mention in the set comments of the Utility Counter set. Jynx gets a mention in OO and in C+C.
Murkrow: Both brokenmons get AC mentions in both sets.
Natu: Jynx gets one mention each in the overview, AC, and C+C, while Scolipede gets two set mentions.
Pelipper: Scolipede is mentioned in the overview, Jynx in set comments.
Persian: Scolipede gets two AC mentions.
Phione: Jynx gets one AC mention.
Pikachu: Jynx is mentioned once in C+C.
Plusle: Scolipede gets one C+C mention.
Primeape: Jynx is mentioned twice in the Scarf set and once in the Band set; Scolipede is mentioned once in the AC of each.
Rapidash: Jynx gets one C+C mention.
Regice: Jynx is mentioned in the AC of Offensive Tank; Scolipede is mentioned in the set comments of Rock Polish.
Riolu: Scolipede is mentioned twice in AC.
Rotom-F: Jynx is mentioned in the overview and early in the Choice Scarf set comments. Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of the ChestoRest set.
Rotom-S: Jynx is mentioned in the overview, the AC of Choice Scarf, and C+C once each.
Sawk: Jynx is mentioned in the overview and C+C. Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of both sets, and in C+C.
Sawsbuck: Scolipede is mentioned in C+C and in the AC of Swords Dance. Jynx is mentioned in the overview and the AC of Choice Scarf.
Shiftry: Both brokenmons are mentioned twice throughout the Mixed set, while Scolipede also gets two mentions in the AC of Swords Dance.
Simipour: Jynx is mentioned once in the AC of Nasty Plot and twice in the AC of SubSalac.
Simisage: Jynx is mentioned in the overview, C+C, and the AC of the mixed and physical sets. Scolipede is mentioned in C+C, in the NP set, and twice in the physical set.
Skuntank: Jynx gets three mentions in AC.
Slaking: Jynx is mentioned four times in the set, and Scolipede twice.
Swellow: Scolipede is mentioned in AC, and Jynx in C+C.
Tauros: Jynx gets two mentions in the Choice Scarf set comments.
Torterra: Both brokenmons are mentioned in the AC of Rock Polish; Jynx also gets a C+C mention.
Ursaring: Scolipede is mentioned in the AC of Quick Feet and Guts. Jynx is mentioned in the set comments of Quick Feet.
Vileplume: Both brokenmons are mentioned in the AC of the offensive set and in C+C. Jynx is also mentioned in the AC of the defensive set.
Volbeat: Both are mentioned in the AC of Weather Supporter; Scolipede also gets a mention in the AC of Baton Pass.
Wartortle: One mention of Jynx in set comments.
Wynaut: One mention of Scolipede in AC.